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Demi's POV

The next morning as I started to wake up, I reached for Odell so we could cuddle but I was met with cold sheets, I checked the time on my phone and saw that is was only 7am. I decided to go and look for Odell, so I got out of bed and headed downstairs to look for Odell, but he wasn't there as I turned around to head back upstairs the patio door opened and in walked Odell with a giant smile on his face. "Morning babe" Odell said as he started walking over to me, I smiled in response and cuddled into him. "I missed you this morning I wanted to cuddle. How come you are up so early?" I asked. "Well we said we would spend the day together and have fun before you have to tell your mom about this whole situation and I figured we couldn't go out because of the paps so when you fell asleep last night I made some calls and sorted something fun for us to do and I needed to get up early to make sure everything went to plan" Odell respond with the biggest smile, "so what did you plan?" I asked as I started to walk to the patio but before I could see what was outside Odell quickly spun me round and lifted me onto the kitchen counter. "What are you doing O" I asked giggling "It's a surprise for you and Y/N so you can't see it till Y/N is up and ready" I nodded and leaned in to kiss Odell which quickly turned into a make out session. After our moment in the kitchen me and Odell decided we should go and get ready, so we took a shower together which was nice because we haven't really had any time together these past few days so while Y/N was asleep we made the most of our time. After our shower we quickly got ready and started making breakfast so that when Y/N woke up she could have breakfast and get ready.

Halfway through making breakfast I could hear movement upstairs signalling that Y/N was waking up, so I went up to see her while Odell finished making breakfast. "Morning baby girl" I greeted as I walked into Y/N's room and sat on the end of her bed "morning mommy" Y/N replied while holding her arms out signalling, she wanted to cuddle so I got into bed next to her and let her cuddle into me while I played with her hair. "How are you feeling snug? I know a lot has happened recently?" I asked "I'm fine mommy I feel good I just don't want nanna to be upset with me or you, but I want to live with you. I love being with you and I love it when we are with Delly it feels like we are a family, and it makes me happy".  I kissed her head before responding "I love you being here baby and don't worry nanna could never be upset with you she loves you too much she will probably just miss you living with her and it will take time for her to adjust but she will never be mad or upset with you baby and speaking of Delly he is making breakfast while I have come up to help you get ready he has a surprise for us today so let's get ready and then we can have some breakfast and see what this surprise is".

We were all ready and we had all finished breakfast which meant it was finally time to see what Odell's surprise was. Odell told me and Y/N to stand by the kitchen island and then he pulled out 2 blindfolds and he told us to put them on. Y/N was scared to walk with a blindfold on so Odell said he would carry her outside and so he was holding Y/N with one arm, and he had his other wrapped around me as he took us outside. Odell set Y/N down on the ground next to me and then he came behind us and told us to take the blind folds off on the count of 3. "1, 2, 3" me and Y/N pulled the blindfolds off and all I heard was a scream of excitement from Y/N and I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. Odell had ordered a new climbing frame and swings for Y/N and then he had bought brand new toys and floaties for the pool. Odell had added extra equipment and toys to my garden so that it was the perfect place for Y/N to play now she would be here full time and he had also planned for my sisters to come round and join our pool/garden party that he had planned.

It was later in the day now and Y/N was in the pool playing with Odell and my sisters have just arrived so we are sitting by the pool watching Y/N and Odell play. "I love watching them together.... when the 3 of us are together it feels like we are a family and Y/N even said that to me this morning" I said while looking over at Y/N trying to get Odell to play mermaids. "You guys are like a family dem and I couldn't be happier for you after everything you have been through your finally happy and you have Y/N and Odell and it makes me so happy" Maddie replied and then she gave me a hug. I carried on talking to my sisters for a bit and then I said "I am going to go and call mom now while Y/N is distracted and having fun because I don't want her to overhear the conversation because she said this morning she is worried mom will be upset" "I'm going to join them in the pool so I'll quietly let Odell know and Dallas can go upstairs with you to make the call so that if it gets heated Dallas can jump in" Maddie replied so me and Dallas nodded and Maddie made her way to the pool and me and Dallas went upstairs to my room.

After we sat down I clicked on my mom's contact details and waited anxiously for her to pick up. The phone kept ringing and ringing and just as I went to hang up I heard

"hello" ...

Hey guys sorry for the lack of updates but I have been super busy and my grandad is terminally ill so I have been spending as much time as possible with him but from now on I am going to be updating all of my books more frequently. Also, you guys asked for this to be a long story so that's what I will do I haven't check this for mistakes so I'm sorry if there are any mistakes. Anyway thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!

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