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Demi's POV

I clicked on my mom's contact details and waited anxiously for her to pick up. The phone kept ringing and ringing and just as I went to hang up I heard a "hello".........

Phone Call Conversation:

Demi: Hi mom

Dianna: Demi

Demi: How are you?

Dianna: can we cut the small talk? .........Why are you calling?

Demi: okay I just want to say that I am sorry and I didn't want it to come to this

Dianna: what are you talking about? What have you done demi?

Demi: While you have been away I have spent some time with Y/N and I have told her that I am her mom and I have asked her who she wants to live with and she said me so today I moved all her stuff out of your house and into mine and I just thought I should let you know so that you don't get a shock when you both get home


Demi: She needed to know and she reacted really well


Demi: I actually have every right she is my daughter and you can't change that and I am glad I did this because she needed to know and she is happy and that's all I care about. Y/N's happiness is all I care about she is my world so as long as she is happy and healthy I don't care.

Before my mom had a chance to reply I hung up the phone and turned to Dallas with tears in my eyes so Dallas pulled me into a hug and told me it would all be okay. After I told Dallas exactly what was said and I calmed myself down we then made our way downstairs to join Y/N, Odell and Maddie outside by the pool.
Dallas and Maddie took Y/N inside to get some snacks while I filled Odell in on the phone call with my mom and he comforted me and told me not to worry. The girls come back out with snacks and Dallas looked worried and she came over to me straight away and whispered in my ear that mom had text her and said she was coming straight to my house to come take Y/N so I told Dallas to tell mom Y/N has gone out. While Dallas went inside to call mom so no one would hear, I went over to Maddie and asked her if she would take Y/N over to the swing set while I talked with Odell. Once Maddie and Y/N went over to the swing set in the garden I quickly explained to Odell what was happening and he suggested him and Maddie take Y/N bowling and to the arcade and for pizza and to the toy store so I would have time to sort things out with my mom and Y/N wouldn't have to witness it. I agreed and then I told Y/N and Maddie the plans while I took Y/N upstairs to get ready Odell and Dallas filled Maddie in on what was happening. Once Y/N was ready they all left to go bowling and me and Dallas started to tidy up before my mom and dad turned up.

Around half an hour after Odell, Y/N and Maddie left I heard a bang on the door and voices outside so I went to answer the door and there stood my mom and she was angry and behind her stood my dad who just gave me a sympathetic look. Before I even had a chance to talk I was knocked out the way by my mom who stormed in shouting about how I had gone too far and I was nasty for doing this to her as my mom made her way into the living room shouting my dad came over and gave me a hug and asked if I was okay to which I nodded in reply and we both followed her into the living room to see mom now having a go at Dallas for letting this happen but Dallas was just ignoring her and playing on her phone which only added fuel to the fire and got mom more angry. It had been 10 minutes of mom ranting non-stop and I decided to interrupt her by shouting "ARE YOU DONE YET?  CAN WE HAVE AN ADULT CONVERSATION OR IS THAT TOO MUCH FOR YOU?". The whole room went silent and my mom went to talk again but I quickly cut her off and said "look I understand that your angry but I had to do it this way because you stopped me from seeing her and you lied to her and told her I was the problem but YOU were the problem mom all I wanted was to get my daughter back and you tried to stop it but she is too important to me so I had to do this and I am glad I did because she deserved to know the truth and now she knows and she is happy she said a lot of things she was thinking now make sense so this was a good thing and I know you don't agree with this being a good thing right now but in the future I think you will see that this had to happen". The room stayed silently for a few seconds and then my mom just lost it and started shouting at me and Dallas, so it turned into a screaming match of me and Dallas vs mom.

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