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Demi's POV

It's been a week since mom and dad came over and this past week has been amazing having Darcy living with me and spending time together as mother and daughter has been amazing. I am so glad that Darcy wanted to live with me, but I do still feel bad for my mom and dad, I spoke to Dallas and she said that mom is letting her stay at the house but that she still won't talk to her because she helped me. Odell has also been over a few times this week and it has been nice spending time together the 3 of us, I'm happy that Odell and Darcy get along so well because Darcy is my priority so if she didn't like someone I was dating then I wouldn't date them.

Also this week Darcy has been over to my parents a few times for tea and just to spend some time with them and I'm glad that she has because I wanted to tell Darcy the truth and I want her to live with me but I didn't want her to lose the close relationship that she has with my parents. Every time I have gone over to my parents to drop Darcy off or pick her up it has been Maddie or my dad that has been around my mom has never been around and I'm guessing that's because she doesn't want to see me but hopefully with a bit more time she will get used to this new normal.

Today though Odell has a big game so me and Darcy have got lots planned for him. Currently he is still asleep in my room while me and Darcy are making breakfast in bed. We made a healthy breakfast and some chocolate chip pancakes for Darcy and then we headed up to my room. Darcy decided she wanted to wake up Odell so I had hold of the breakfast tray while Darcy climbed onto the bed and started to shake Odell so he would wake up. "Delly wake up we made you a healthly breakfast" Darcy said and straight after she said this Odell woke up and smiled before replying "Morning princess Darcy" and pulling her into a hug. We all sat down on the bed and i gave Darcy her pancakes while me and Odell shared the healthly breakfast. After spending some time together the 3 of us, we all then split up and started to get ready for the day.

Darcy had gone to her room to get her shower so she could get ready and me and Odell were in my room starting to get ready. I was in the closet picking an outfit for the day when i felt strong arms wrap around my waist and soft kisses being pressed across my shoulder and up my neck. I tilted my neck to the side giving Odell more access as he continued his kisses which then turned to sucking which resulted in me letting out a moan. "Baby" i moaned before turning around and pulling Odell into a kiss, we made our way to the sofa in my closet without breaking our kiss. I was straddling Odells lap while we made out our hands desperatley roaming each others bodies. However, we both had to slow the kiss down till eventually we were just pecking each others lips as we both knew we didn't have time to do what we really wanted to do. I stayed on Odells lap and cuddled into him as he pressed kisses to my head and caressed my back and we just sat in a peaceful silence.

Odell interrupted that silence by saying "Thanks for breakfast baby, i really appreciated it and it was nice to spend some time together the three of us before the stress of game day starts."

I leaned up and pecked Odells lips before replying "no problem baby and it was all Darcy's idea she wanted to spend some time together before your game to help you relax and i'm glad it worked, she is so excited to come see you play today she made a sign and everything its the cutest thing."

Odell smiled "It makes me so happy to hear that honestly i'm not a sappy guy but that little has me wrapped round her finger just like her mom and i am so happy i can look up to the stands today and see my two favourite girls there and hopefully if we win we can celebrate together the 3 of us."

"it makes me so happy to hear you say that, i could never thank you enough for always including Darcy and not wanting it to be just us two all the time but you want to spend time together the three of us. Are you sure you don't want to celebrate with the team i don't want you to feel obliged to celebrate with us i understand you're young and want to go out and party to celebrate not just sit at home with us." i replied while stroking Odells face because i know how much it relaxes him and he loves it although he doesn't like to admit it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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