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It's been a week since I last seen or even spoke to Demi and it has been the worst week of my life. I may only be little but I'm not stupid I know something has happened because mom won't let anyone talk about Demi and if they do she shouts or walks away. When Demi left last week Dallas and mom started arguing and Maddie came in my room to comfort me because it upset me but all I wanted was Demi.
Now though I'm mad at Demi because she hasn't tried to call or text me this whole week so now I don't want to talk to her. I was broken from my thoughts by Dallas saying "Hey Y/N/N whatcha thinking about" "Demi" I sigh. "What about Demi" asks Dallas I turn and sit on Dallas' lap and she starts playing with my hair and then I reply "well since last week she hasn't talked to me so I think she hates me but it doesn't matter cause I'm mad at her now Dally because she lied to me" and that's when I started crying. Dallas cuddled me and tried to calm me down which eventually worked because I could feel my eyes dropping and I started to become super tired not before I heard dally say "she doesn't hate you Y/N your her baby she loves you so much and she has been asking me about you all week".

Dallas' POV

After Y/N fell asleep I decided to bring her to her room and tuck her into bed. After I tucked Y/N in I went to my room to go get ready because I was going to meet Demi. I heard the front door open and I knew it was mom coming back from shopping so I went downstairs to confront her because I have had enough of her trying to control everything and trying to keep Demi and Y/N apart. "Hey Dallas look at the stuff I bought today I got a necklace, earrings and a bracelet and then I got loads of clothes" my mom said to me as I stepped into the kitchen I rolled my eyes before sitting down at the Island. "How did you afford all this? Actually don't answer that question I know how you paid for all this it's because Demi put money in the bank for Y/N didn't she?". My mom just nodded and carried on folding all her new clothes she bought so she could take them upstairs "your another level" I hissed. This caught my moms attention because she stopped folding and looked at me with a confused look on her face before replying "me why" "you know why I'm saying this don't play dumb what your doing is wrong" I replied and then mom rolled her eyes and said "I don't know what your talking about". "I'm talking about you trying to keep Y/N and Demi away from each other even though it is hurting both of them and just when I thought you couldn't sink any lower you are now spending the money Demi gives you to get Y/N the stuff she needs and wants on yourself I'm disgusted" I ranted but it didn't phase mom as she just shrugged and replied "Y/Ns not even bothered she doesn't ask about Demi and Demi certainly hasn't tried to contact me or Y/N so they both can't be that hurt". " your lying" I said to mom and she said "check our phones so I grabbed moms phone and there wasn't any calls or texts from Demi I gave mom her phone before going to check Y/Ns and again there was nothing from Demi which was a little confusing because I am meeting with Demi today because she said no one is replying to her but it looks like she hasn't even tried. I went back downstairs to see mom with a smug smile on her face which makes me think she is playing sometime of game "I checked but even if you are right about her not contacting you it doesn't mean you can spend the money Demi gives for Y/N on yourself that is not right so you best have a whole new wardrobe and lots of new toys and stuff for Y/N by tomorrow or I'm telling everyone your spending money that isn't yours" after I said that I grabbed my purse and phone and stormed out the house not giving my mum a chance to reply.

I pulled into Demi's driveway and parked my car and then I got out and knocked on the door. To my surprise it was Matthew that answered the door "hey Dallas" he said while leaning to give me a hug so I hugged him while replying "hi Matt is everything okay you don't look so great" "it's Demi" he replied while leading me to the living room. My heart broke as I seen my sister crying into the shoulder of her best friend Sirah I went over and said "hey Dems what's wrong? Why are you so upset?". Demi just launched into my arms sobbing while I looked to Sirah and Matt for answers. Matt and Sirah exchanged a look before Sirah said "it's the situation with your mom it's really been getting her down me and Matt have been staying here since the day after she got back from your moms, we came round the day your mom kicked her out and then we left after a couple of hours and Demi was alone for the night and then she rang us both the next day and said she wasn't feeling great could we come over so we did and we have both been here ever since making sure she is eating and doing okay". "She really misses Y/N" Matt added I just looked at them and gave them a small smile before saying "thank you guys for looking after her I'm glad she has friends like you guys but you guys could of called me I would of came over days ago I didn't think she was upset". Sirah looked confused and slightly annoyed at what I said but before she had the chance to say anything Matthew said "Dallas you know Y/N is her world you must of known she would be devastated especially because no one will talk to her" "what do you mean no one will talk to her" I asked confusion taking over my features I glanced down at Demi to see she had cried herself to sleep on my chest. "Y/N sent Demi a text saying 'I don't want to see you or speak to you leave me alone' and then when Demi text her back she read it and didn't reply so Demi tried ringing her but it wouldn't let her through so me and matt and the messages sent and the phone rang to Y/N but eventually we couldn't get through either so we think she might have blocked us but does she know how to do that at her age? Then Demi tried calling your mom but she blocked demi and then texted Matt to tell him to tell demi they don't want to speak to her so she should stop trying."
I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and then I grabbed my phone and called Y/N.

Y/N: hello
Dallas: hey honey it's dally
Y/N: I know who you are dally *Y/N giggles*
Dallas: *dallas giggles* sweetie can I ask you something
Y/N: yep but please be quick I'm about to watch camp rock
Dallas: I will honey did you text Demi after she left last week and tell her you didn't want to see her or speak to her
Y/N: nope
Dallas: you sure? I know you were mad at her before
Y/N: I'm sure I was upset she hasn't called me because she promised and demsy never breaks her promises to me
Dallas: okay one more thing sweetie
Y/N: ok
Dallas: do you know how to block someone
Y/N: what's that mean
Dallas: doesn't matter I'll let you watch frozen and I will bring you a surprise back later love you Y/N/N!
Y/N: okay love you bye!

"It's my mom I know she is behind this" I said to Matt and Sirah and they nodded. They helped me put Demi on the sofa and then we went to make food in the kitchen for when she wakes up. While making food I explained everything that happened with my mom earlier to Matt and Sirah and they both got annoyed at my mom and we all agreed that I should either help Demi get ready and take her to moms house or I should bring Y/N here because it's time Y/N knows the truth.

Hey guys I will try to update this book as much as possible. Also, sorry for any mistakes I haven't checked for any mistakes. A new update should be up in the next day or so. Thanks for reading I hope you enjoy!

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