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Demi's POV

It's been around 2 weeks since I have started seeing Y/N behind moms back. After my first time seeing Y/N I called dad and told him I wanted to call a meeting to discuss the situation with Y/N he was understanding of the situation and he said he would help me set up a meeting with everyone when Y/N was out. So that's why i am on my way to my moms house because today Y/N is in school and after school she is going straight to her friend Ellie's house because it is Ellie's birthday and the rest of my family are off work.

I knock on my moms door and Dallas answers it I give her a hug and then she gestures to the living room so I make my way into the living room to see Maddie on the sofa and Dallas sits next to her and then on the other side of the room is mom and dad sitting together so I say my hellos and make my way to the chair. I can tell my mom is not happy about this meeting because it's written all over her face plus she has yet to speak to me. "Shall we get started?" My dad asks breaking the awkward silence everyone nods so I say "well I wanted to call a meeting because I think we all need time to talk everything through properly and listen to each other without it turning into an argument". "I agree" my dad says then he looks at my mom but she just keeps her head down. "Can I say something" Maddie asks we all nod and motion for her to continue "I think Y/N needs to be told the truth as soon as possible because this is a big deal and she needs time to process it and she needs all our support I think Demi and mom should sit down explain everything to Y/N and then let Y/N decide what she wants". "She doesn't need to know Maddie" mom snaps Maddie just rolls her eyes and reply's "get over yourself will you I'm sick of you trying to control this situation and not even considering what other people say to you". "Look i get this is hard but she is my daughter and giving her to you was the hardest decision I have ever and will ever make but I did it to give her a better more stable home life while I got myself together and now I'm confident enough to say I am stable and confident in my recovery that I can look after Y/N and provide her with the home she deserves I will forever be thankful and appreciate that you guys took Y/N on but it's time she knows the truth and has the chance to come live with me so we can live as a family" I said I looked at mom but she just looked angry but my dad give me a small smile and nod showing me he understands me. "It's not going to happen I don't think you will ever be strong enough to raise Y/N plus we have raised Y/N she is MY daughter and I will not let you stroll in a try and take her it's not happening so you can forget it I don't care what you say or do we will not change our minds now forget this silliness and we can go back  to being a happy family" my mom said but I shook my head and replied "I'm not backing down me and Y/N have always had a special bond she prefers me to do things for her and you guys know this i provide Y/N with the most comfort and I will not stop fighting to get her back also can I remind you again that I never signed Y/N over so in the eyes of the law you have no rights over Y/N". "Don't try me Demi I will fight any court to make sure I keep Y/N" mom shouted at me but I calmly replied "look I didn't want to have to do this without you but I am going to be telling Y/N the truth so you can either be with me to help support Y/N or you can let me do it alone but either way Y/N is being told I'm her mother I'm not lying anymore". "I agree with Demi" Dallas said causing mom to glare at her. "It's not happening Demi" mom stated "yes it is" I fight back. Me and my mom start arguing then Dallas and Maddie join the argument defending me because they agree with me. "STOP!" My dad shouts and we all immediately stop arguing and look at him he gives me a sorry look and grabs my moms hand then he says "look Demi I get your point and I think it is great you want to do this but me and your mom have discussed this and we think it's best if everything is left the way it is and you and Y/N can go back to seeing each other all the time and being close as sisters not mother and daughter". This gets me upset and angry how can my dad go against me as well. I look at Maddie and Dallas who are lost for words because they are shocked about what dad has just said because behind moms back he has been agreeing with us that I should tell Y/N and see if she wants to live with me.

I decide that this family meeting isn't getting us anywhere so I say "look i didn't want it to go like this but if you guys keep trying to stop me from telling Y/N and taking her to live with me then I will have to take you to court because I'm fighting for my daughter this time and no one is going to stop me or convince me otherwise." "You don't need to go that far Demi" my dads but he is cut off by my mom saying "okay well we will see you in court then but don't think I won't fight you Demi because I will". "Okay well good luck paying the lawyer fees because I certainly won't be paying them" I snap before walking out the house and going home.

When I got home I thought about what happened and I decided that my only option is to tell Y/N the truth when Maddie and Dallas bring her to see me. Then once she knows the truth I will talk to her about it and offer her support and if she wants to stay with mom she can but if she wants to come live with me then I will start the legal process. Hopefully she wants to come live with me because i really want me and Y/N to have a fresh start together as a little family me,Y/N and the dogs.

Hey guys so the meeting didn't go well what do you think about Demi planning to tell Y/N anyway? Who do you think Y/N will choose Dianna or Demi? Sorry for any mistakes and thanks for reading I hope you enjoy!

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