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Demi's POV

"Baby I'm.....baby I'm your mommy" I said I looked at Y/N and she had a blank face which made me nervous and I started to panic but then suddenly a big smile took over Y/Ns face and she threw her arms around my neck. I hugged her back tightly and let the tears fall from my eyes because I was so happy that she was smiling a hugging me rather than being upset and angry. "How are you my mommy?" Y/N asked "well when I was really young i was going through some things and I got pregnant with you and when I had you I was so happy but I still was a little sick so when you were really little I needed to go somewhere to get better so mom said she would look after you till I was well enough to look after you but when I asked if we could tell you and give you the choice to decided who you wanted to live with she said no that's why we have been arguing." Y/N nodded. I finished explaining everything to Y/N and I answered all the questions she had and then she rested her head on my chest and she cuddled into me with a content smile on her face. I kissed Y/Ns head and said "I love you so much baby girl" "I love you too mommy" Y/N replied before closing her eyes and cuddling me. I choked back a sob of pure happiness that she called me 'mommy' and that she is taking this so well. I rested my head on top of Y/Ns.

I heard sniffling so I looked down at Y/N but she looked like had fell asleep so I looked towards the door to see Maddie and Dallas with their phones pointed at us and they were crying. I smiled at them and motioned them to come in they sat on the sofa and we talked about what happened. They told me Maddie recorded it on her phone while Dallas took pictures which I was secretly glad about. They showed me the pictures and the video and I cried again because I'm so happy.

While Y/N was having a nap Dallas and Maddie informed me that mom and dad are having a spa weekend so I could have Y/N the whole weekend. They said they didn't tell me sooner in case Y/N didn't react well after I told her which I understand but I'm so excited me and Y/N get the whole weekend together.

Once Y/N woke up we all sat and talked for a little bit and then Y/N asked "Dems can I talk to delly now I have missed him too" I smiled at Y/N and nodded. I got my phone out and FaceTimed Odell "hey mamas" he answered I couldn't help but blush and smile like an idiot and reply "hey baby I have someone who really wants to speak to you". He smiled knowing it would be Y/N because he knew I was telling her today. "Really who?" He asked pretending he didn't know so I moved the camera away so he could see Y/N sitting on my lap smiling. "DELLY I'VE MISSED YOU" Y/N shouted Odell smiled wide and said "princess I've missed you too how are you doing? How's school?". Y/N grabbed my phone and started talking to Odell on FaceTime while I sat and watched them with a smile I love watching them interact it melts my heart. I was broke from my thoughts by Dallas fake coughing I had completely forgotten they were here which means I have a lot of explaining to do. See what my family don't know is Odell and I have been seeing each other for a while now and during summer when Y/N stayed with me Odell stayed with us some of the summer and we were like a little family.

"Delly when can I see you? Can you come see me and mommy now?" Y/N asked Odell giving him her famous pout and puppy dog eyes. "Mommy?" Odell questioned "Yeah mommy" Y/N said and pulled me into the camera Odell smiled at me and said "well princess if mommy says I can come see you both then I will I've missed spending time with my two favourite girls". I agreed Odell could come over so he hung with the promise he would be over as soon as he was ready. After we hung up Y/N run up to the room she has in my house and said she was going to show Odell her drawings since she hasn't seen him in weeks.

The second Y/N was upstairs Dallas and Maddie started asking me about Odell. "When did Y/N meet delly and why didn't Y/N say anything" Dallas asked. "Look me and Odell have been friends for years and he met Y/N years ago when we used to hang out a lot and i told him about her being my child and he was supportive about the whole situation. Then we continued to see each other and then he came around more and we started to like each other in a romantic way and because he was around more him and Y/N bonded. This year Odell has been staying over sometimes when Y/N would and we would have movie nights the three of us and one night when he and Y/N thought I was asleep they were talking and Y/N said to Odell 'I know you love demsie' and he told her he did and then he said your special to Demi so I wanted to ask you if i can take her on a date. They didn't know I wasn't actually asleep and that I heard it all so the next day when Y/N went home Odell asked me on a date and I told him I heard everything and how cute it was and then we started dating and then we finally got together before summer. We told Y/N we were together but that it was a secret and she was so happy and she promised to keep it a secret. Then when we went to Bora Bora with Matt and Sirah and I told them about me and Odell and then me and Y/N kept telling them we missed Odell. So they called him and he came as well to surprise me and Y/N and we had the best time. Me,him and Y/N were like a little family this year and that is all I have wanted not just for me but for Y/N and I know Y/N had mom and dad but that wasn't her real parents" I said and Maddie and Dallas just looked at me with a smile which made me feel relieved. "Do you only want Y/N back because you and Odell are together?" Dallas asked I quickly shook my head no. "It was always my plan to get Y/N back once I felt I was stable and ready and mom knew that, I decided about a year ago I wanted to get Y/N back and I have just been trying to figure out the right time and after summer I felt like now was the right time I want to have Y/N with me everyday." They agreed and we continued talking about me and Odell and me and Y/N and they were both really happy for me.

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