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Demi's POV

I got showered and changed and then I went back downstairs to Dallas,Matt and Sirah. We all decided to call Maddie over and then we could all discuss the best approach to this situation. Once Maddie arrived we all talked and came to an agreement it's probably best for me to see Darcy regularly behind my moms back with the help of Dallas and Maddie and then when we all feel Darcy is ready I will tell her the truth that I'm not her sister but her mom. I know it's sounds risky and stupid to do all this behind moms back but she won't budge I have tried everything this is my only way. We all had some take out and watched crime shows before Maddie and Dallas left to go back home to moms with the promise they would help me speak to Y/N tomorrow.

Dallas' POV

In the car on the way home me and Maddie were talking about the whole situation and Maddie was shocked when Demi told her about mom blocking her on Y/Ns phone and mom ignoring her calls and texts. On the way home I decided to tell Maddie about the situation in the kitchen earlier with mom spending the money of herself and not Y/N. Once we arrived home we decided to confront mom about everything and see if we could talk some sense into her and if she doesn't listen we will talk to Eddie/dad and if all this fails we will help Demi behind moms back.

"Hey girls where have you been?" Asked mom as we entered the kitchen Maddie grabbed us some waters out of the fridge while I responded to mom telling her we were with Demi. After I told mom about being with Demi she started to rant about how we should be supporting her and not Demi. "SHUT UP" Maddie Shouted mom stopped talking and looked at Maddie shocked. Just as mom went to respond Maddie spoke "you are wrong don't you realise what your doing is unfair your keeping a little girl from living with her mom not just that your stopping your own daughter from being a mom who does that? Are you proud? I mean blocking Demi on Y/Ns phone so Demi thinks Y/N is mad and upset with her and Y/N thinks Demi doesn't care and what even worse is your hurting two people you claim to 'love' but you can't love them if you want to hurt them like you are right now". After Maddie ranting mom was speechless just as I went to speak dad walked in and asked what was going on so Maddie quickly explained everything to him. We all stood in silence so I broke it by saying "did you return all that stuff you bought?" Mom shook her head no so I asked "why?" "Because I deserve it Dallas plus Y/N doesn't even need anything" mom replied. "That doesn't matter it isn't money for you so take everything back by 1pm tomorrow or I will tell demi and Maddie is my witness" I said mom rolled her eyes and replied "fine I will but I don't want to hear anything else about this Demi and Y/N situation I've made my mind up and I told Demi she isn't getting her back I won't allow it". "Dianna" Eddie said but was cut off by my mom saying "no Eddie we raised her till now and I won't let Demi come in a take credit for our hard work". "Actually Demi has done everything for Y/N she has attended everything and she always makes time for her don't make out Demi dropped her off and then went off to live her life she was around at every opportunity and you only took Y/N on to help her while she went to rehab it's not like Demi passed her on because she didn't want her but she wanted what was best for Y/N and now Demi feels she is healthy and strong enough to care for Y/N full time" I said but mom didn't respond she just started cleaning up. Me, maddie and Eddie/dad all walked into the living room so we could talk properly about the situation and dad agreed with us but he also said that he doesn't want to upset mom. Knowing we had tried everything me and Maddie went upstairs to tell Demi and we all talked and agreed we would have to do this behind moms back sadly. Me and Maddie told Demi we would bring Y/N to see her after school on Tuesday because mom always goes out with friends on a Tuesday so it will be easier. After our conversation with Demi Maddie left my room so she could go to sleep but before I got in bed I decided to go and check on Y/N. I opened her door and smiled at the sight of her sleeping clutching onto the white teddy bear Demi got her when she was born. I remember Demi coming home from shopping when she was heavily pregnant and her showing me the teddy. Demi was so excited she had bought her little girl her first teddy bear and when Y/N was born Demi had the bear at the hospital and she would put it in the crib with Y/N. Growing up Y/N called the bear 'fluffy' and she never lets anyone take her bear she has it with her all the time and even when she has sleepovers she has to take that bear. Snapping back into reality I decided to pull out my phone and take a picture of Y/N with fluffy and send it to Demi. I knew seeing Y/N with fluffy would make Demi happy and it would let Demi know Y/N isn't really mad at her just confused about everything going on.

Hey guys here is another update sorry for any mistakes I haven't checked I just wanted to update. How do you think Y/N will react to Demi being her mom and not her sister? Do you think Dianna will find out their plan? When Y/N finds out who do you think she will choose to live with? Thanks for reading I hope you enjoy!

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