Chapter 21

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Giyu POV
The rest of the walk went by pretty fast. It was well past midnight and we were on the outskirts of Kamakura.

(Y/n) began dragging her feet again. I held her hand tightly so I wouldn't lose her somehow.

"I think we're almost there, we just have to find the eastern wall..." I said looking around.

"Are you Giyu Tomioka?"

I looked forward to see a woman in a purple kimono and I noticed a familiar boy right behind her.

"Yes, and are you Miss Tamayo?" I asked cautiously.

"Yes I am, please follow me quickly." She turned around and began walking ahead as I follow close behind.

She took us through the city and in a maze like pattern. Finally we stopped at a wall and they walked through it with ease.


I touched the wall with my hand and it was like it wasn't there. Yushiro came back out.

"Hurry up." He said indifferently then went back in. I walked forward and went through the wall.

On the other side, there was a two story building.

I didn't even see it before...what?

"It's just my demon art calm down, let's go inside already." Yushiro folded his arms and made his way inside with Tamayo.

I pulled (y/n) along with me and followed.

. . .

"So, this is (y/n)? Tamayo asked while sitting down. I sat down in front of her which Yushiro seemed to dislike.

"Yes, Tanjiro sent you a note regarding her."

"She and Nezuko are quite similar, yet (y/n)'s body is stronger. Oh, before I say anything else, is there anything that she's been doing that is concerning?"

I don't think so...oh!

"Well, after I found out she could walk under the sun, we were walking home when all of a sudden she began to frantically go in a different direction. She didn't attack me, and she didn't listen to me. I held onto her so she wouldn't leave, and when it was over, it looked like she was beaten and burned by someone." I explained.

"Does (y/n) have any strange marks on her body?"

My eyes widened.

"Actually, yes she does. It's on her chest and when she acted strange it got bigger."

Tamayo thought for a bit and Yushiro glared at me. I deadpanned at his expression like I didn't care which made him more angry.

"You know, it may be that Muzan is trying to control (y/n). He's tried to do that with multiple demons but the only one he's succeeded in doing is keeping his name silent. If demons mention him, then they are brutally killed." Tamayo spoke up.

I felt (y/n) lay her head on my lap which flustered me a bit. She reached up and started playing with me hair.

"(Y-y/n), s-sit up..." I said quietly. Tamayo smiled at (y/n).

"She is quite a lovestruck girl now isn't she?"

I tensed up and forgot for a second just exactly what are feelings are towards each other.

"No need to be shy, now, I'm worried that with that mark we'll all be caught here. Last time Muzan sent two strong demons here when Tanjiro and Nezuko came."

"Oh, how come you aren't affected by Muzan's curse?" I asked as I moved (y/n)'s hands back down. She held onto my hands and put them on her head.

I felt Yushiro's eyes on me, but when I looked over at him, he was staring at (y/n).

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