Chapter 36

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I know I say this a lot, but I really wanted to thank you all for the support. I read every single comment, and each one makes me smile! I really appreciate having such a great audience, it truly makes it easier to write. You all are so sweet and I want to protecc you all <3
Thank you all for being here!

Love you ^^

On to the story. . .

Your POV
What day is it? How many times have I been tortured? How long have I been here?

. . .

How long til I see him again?

I sit there emotionless in the same dark corner, in the same position. My head against the wall, and my knees tucked into my chest.

I felt numb to everything. Nothing mattered anymore.

If Giyu's gone then why am I still here? Why don't they kill me...

I'm tired of feeling this pain everyday. Ji's torture doesn't hurt nearly as much as the pain in my heart.

I head the door open and didn't budge.

Oh look...Ji's back...oh well.

"Get up."

Huh? This isn't Ji's voice, it's-


Kibutsuji Muzan.

I looked up into his blood red eyes as he stared at me with hatred.

"Why...?" I asked quietly.

"You're coming with me." He answered.

My head dropped back down as I closed my eyes.

"Have you finally decided to kill me?" I asked with a dead voice.

"Unfortunately no."

I let out a sigh.

"Then I'm not interested...I'll stay here."

Muzan grit his teeth in annoyance.

What's his problem?

There was a clanging noise and then I felt the cuffs on my wrists being pulled. Without a care in the world I let myself be dragged out.

I had to squint at how bright the room was as I had been in the dark for who knows how long.

In front of me were the upper moons. They were kneeling down in line waiting for their orders.

Almost like how we are at the corps...

When was the last time I saw everyone together?

Muzan started talking to them as my mind went anywhere but his voice. I did my best to ignore him along with everyone else.

I didn't care what anyone had to say anymore. It didn't matter...nothing did.

"Do you understand me?" Muzan asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I wasn't listening." I said bluntly.

Muzan's face contorted into anger as he activated the curse again. Sending a burning sensation throughout my body, leaving my skin covered in burns.

I did my best not to cry out.

Even if nothing matters...I can't be weak...

"I said, it's time to infiltrate the Slayer Corps. Now that we have you, we can force information out and you can help destroy what you tried to become apart of."

Ocean Eyes [Giyu Tomioka x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now