Chapter 75

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Your POV
Jun stared down at me with a glare, he adjusted his glasses and pulled me up off the floor.

I struggled against him and tried to pull myself out of his grasp.

"Stop." Jun said, and when I didn't, he slammed me against the wall and held me there. "I said stop!" He raised his voice.

His head hung low and close to my chest, him being there made me feel uncomfortable.

"That bastard has touched you...I know he has." He breathed.

"He's my boyfriend so what?" I questioned emotionlessly.

"I didn't ask you to talk!" Jun growled, I tensed at how he was acting.

If I was going to be honest, it was scary how angry he was getting.

"I know you two met at the cafe, I know that you moved next to him, I know that you two kissed in the ferris wheel, I know I know I know I know..." He muttered.

My eyes widened at what he was saying. It was causing the same anxiety I felt at the cafe or walking home alone late at night.

"He tainted you...but don't worry, I'll clean up the mess he made...haha" Jun laughed creepily.

Jun began feeling me up and moved his hands up my waist. I gasped as I realized what he was doing so I threw his arms off of me.

"DON'T!" He shouted. I threw my hands up in defense from jumping. Jun then let out a breath, "I'm sorry darling, I seemed to have lost my temper there..." He backed away and adjusted his glasses again.

I released a breath I was holding in and hugged myself.

He...he almost touched me...

Dread filled my body as he turned around with a gentle smile and came back towards me.

He looked me up and down, and the expression of pity took over. His hand trailed up to my cheek as he caressed it.

I turned my head away quickly.

"Don't worry my dear, soon all will be back into place. I'm going to go talk to mom and dad about the wedding date. Oh, and I'll be taking your phone just to make sure he doesn't call you, okay?" He cooed and placed a quick kiss on my cheek.

Once he shut the door, I immediately started to wipe my cheek off. Trying to get every essence of that kiss off of me.

Tears welled in my eyes as I felt like I had just cheated on Giyu. I continued to rub my cheek with a towel until I felt a stinging sensation.

I'm sorry...I'm sorry Giyu...

Giyu POV
I tried my luck at calling (y/n)'s phone
At first it went straight to voice mail, so I assumed she was busy.

I waited another five minutes before calling her again.

The phone was answered.

"(Y/n)! Are you okay? Don't worry I haven't left ye"

"Why are you still calling her?" Jun's voice answered.

I felt rage burn inside of me just from hearing his voice.

"Why do you have her phone?" I spat.

"So she doesn't have to answer to dogs like you. Now never call her again. Goodbye." Jun spoke.

"Jun, stop! Let me talk with (y/n), give her the phone back."

The lines ended before I could say anything else, and I grit my teeth in anger.

I quickly called up Saya as we and exchanged numbers during dinner.

She answered the phone rather quickly.

"Giyu!" She sighed in relief.

"Is (y/n) alright? Where is she?" I asked quickly.

"(Y/n) is really upset, and she hasn't left her room. But when Jun went in with her, there was shouting..." Saya whispered as if Jun was in the same room.

"Please...can I talk to her? Jun took her phone." I pleaded.

"Yes of course, give me just a minute." She said in a hushed voice.

I anxiously waited to hear (y/n)'s voice.

After a little longer of waiting, she finally answered.

"Hello?" Her voice sounded broken and sad.

My heart broke at the sound.

"(Y/n), sweetheart it's me." My voice shook.

"Giyu! I'm sorry, he touched me...and he kissed me...I tried to push him away but..." She cried as she tried to catch her breath.

"It's not your fault, now listen to me. I need you to find out anything you can about Jun, okay? I'm going to do my best and I'm not leaving this town without you." I explained as calmly as I could.

I was even more angry with Jun now that I know he's touched her.

There was faint shouting in the background of her call, and I grew nervous for her.

"He found I was talking with you, I'm sorry, I love yo-"

"STOP CALLING" Was all I had heard before the phone hung up.

I basically stopped breathing right there hoping she would be okay. I wanted to call the police in that moment, but I didn't have solid evidence.

And knowing Jun, he'd use his money to get him out of any investigation of sorts. I needed to be patient, as well as work quickly.

The faster I find out more, the faster I get to be with (y/n) again.

"What did I say about talking to him!?" I yelled as I ripped the phone from her hand.

"I told you before, it's not you I want to be with!" (Y/n) yelled back.

Out of anger, I grabbed her by the wrist and forced her all the way back to her room.

I smirked as he threw her against the bed and leaned against the door frame with my arms crossed.

"While you were talking with that dirty dog, I flipped the door lock. So why don't you stay here and think about what you did." I hissed and slammed the door.

Locking (y/n) in from the otherside. She shouted at me to let her out, but I wasn't going to let her out that easy.

My plan was to break her mind completely, that way she'll be obedient and completely forget about the mutt.

Osamu walked into the hallway and glared at me.

"I did what you asked, but do not treat my daughter that way." He spoke softly.

I scoffed at him and his demands.

"Remember dad, that I have power over whether your wife gets treated or not. I will do what I wish with (y/n), and you'll get a healthy wife. Remember?"

Osamu's eyes widened as I said those words and I had felt myself smirk again.

"Good, I glad we cleared that up," I say walking past him, "Now let's go talk with mom about the wedding date."

(Y/n) will belong to me.

Double! But it ends in a bad spot again! Yay!

Alright I'll just update whenever I finish chapters because I'm tired if waiting for the next day to release them lol.

Anyways, stay hydrated!!

Word count 1177 words

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