Chapter 127

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Your POV
Morning came quickly and we explained everything to Mitsuri. She was really happy that we've made up.

Giyu and I were now at our apartment. He was cleaning up the dinner he was making me last night even though I said I could clean it.

He insisted.

I went to go sit on the sofa but noticed a box of items on the little table in front of it.

"Hey Giyu?" I called.

"Yes love?"

"What's this box for?" I asked.

There were sounds of aggressive shuffling and all of a sudden Giyu was in my vision. A blush evident on his face as he snatched the box protectively.

"Nothing..." He claimed.

I pursed my lips and nodded my head. I had already seen what was in the box before he grabbed it. I knew it wasn't "nothing."

A small smile played on my lips before I spoke again.

"You know what I'm really craving right now?" I asked, gaining his attention, "(least favourite snack)", it's my favourite."

I watched as the man in front of me visibly stiffened up. He turned around with a nervous smile.

"Are you sure it's not (favourite snack)?" He questioned quietly.

I made myself cringe at the sound even though it was indeed my favourite.

"Oh lord no." I said.

Giyu gave me a small okay and began walking away defeated. I then decided now would be a good time to stop messing around with him and ran.

He heard my footsteps and turned around, his expression surprised to see that I was jumping to tackle him.

We both fell to the floor. I was ontop of him who was holding me protectively. His chest heaving up and down.

"Are you okay? Why would you do that?" Giyu asked.

I moved my head up from his chest with a big smile on face. I then cupped his face and leaned down to capture his lips in a kiss.

Giyu tilted his head and held my waist, deepening the kiss.

I pulled away and rested my forehead on his, gazing into his ocean blue eyes.

"I'm perfectly fine, I'm sorry for messing with you."

His eyes widened at my words before he gasped and flipped us so that I was under him.

"You were messing with me?" He asked, sounding offended.

I stifled a laugh at the face he was making, only causing him to become more annoyed with the fact that I teased him once again.

"You make it too easy!" I laughed.

Giyu looked unamused, but I could tell he was holding back a smile.

"Damn woman." He muttered, and I gasped.

"Giyu! How dare you say bad words in this household!"

"Sorry...not really though." He smirked.

"Can I have the box now?" I asked sweetly.

Giyu scrunched his eyebrows together and squinted his eyes at me.

"No. Absolutely not. You're in time out." He said as he lifted me up from the floor.

"Nooo I don't want to go into time out! I said I was sorry!"

Giyu continued to drag me to one of the corners in the apartment, once he got me there he had me sit criss cross.

"Now. Think about what you've done, I'll be back in ten minutes to see if you're ready."

I pouted and rested my head in the corner and listened as his steps slowly left me.

I'm not going to sit here for ten minutes.

I stood up and turned around, only to see Giyu staring at me.

"Nope. Turn back around." He ordered.

"Make me." I taunted and walked into our bedroom.

"(Y/n)!" Giyu shouted.

I ran and shut the door, holding it there. However, Giyu was much stronger than me and so he was able to open the door slightly.

I threw my body weight into it and hoped that would work. So far it was.

"Okay I'm sorry!" I yelled. I was getting tired from holding the door shut.

"Sorry isn't enough!" Giyu yelled back.

I took a second to think of something as we both struggled against the door.

"I'm pregnant!"

All of a sudden, the struggling stopped.

"Oh my god you're pregnant. Are you okay?" He asked suddenly worried.

I opened the door and saw him standinging there in front of me.

"Yeah, I'm fine?" I answered.

"Good." Was all Giyu said before he lifted me up from the floor and plopped me down on the bed.

A blush crept its way onto my face as he climbed on.

"I'm tired. We should take a nap." He said as he pulled me close.

I thought we were going to do much more than that-

"We literally just got home, and you already want to sleep?" I asked.

"I was up all freaking night because I thought you were going to leave me forever. We're napping."

My lips formed a line as I ran my fingers through his hair.

"Sorry." I said quietly.

It's my fault I made him feel that way.

"Don't be sorry, I'm just glad you're still here with me.." Giyu trailed.

I placed a kiss on his nose and snuggled in closer to him.

"You missed..."

I looked up at him confused, but the confusion left as he locked his lips with my own.

I let my eyes close as he pulled me closer, deepening the kiss.

He moved down my jaw and began kissing my neck. A shuttered breath left my lips at the sensation.

"I love you." He whispered in between kisses.

"I love you too.."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Tis a very special day besties. It's our favourite depressed almost husband's birthday!

Happy birthday Giyu!

But you see, there is more, for my fellow Stays out there, it is also our beloved I.N's birthday!

Happy birthday Baby Bread!

Tell them both happy birthday >:|

And stay hydrated!

Ocean Eyes [Giyu Tomioka x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now