Chapter 126

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Your POV
Why...why is he here? It's cold outside...maybe it's not him?

My eyes are probably just playing tricks on me...

I looked again at the figure who was in nothing but a t-shirt and sweatpants. Which was what Giyu was wearing earlier.

Feeling worried that it might actually be him, I went back inside to quickly throw on a coat and slide a pair of shoes on.

Why do I hope it's him? Aren't I mad...upset?

My heart wouldn't stop pounding, it sped up with every step. I thought I was going to pass out.

I nervously entered the elevator, wishing it'd go faster. The anxious pit in my stomach growing larger with every ding of a different floor.

The last ding rang out and the doors opened.


I swiftly made my way to the front doors of the building, hoping he would hear my thoughts and meet me inside.

Of course, it didn't happen, but that's okay.

He's still here

I pushed the doors open.

Waiting for something

I searched for the place I saw him standing.

Waiting for me...?

Hope filled my body as my eyes scanned for him.


There he was, leaning against the wall and rubbing his hands together. I watched him with wide eyes as he blew warm air into his hands.

He briefly glanced up, his blue eyes doing a double take when he saw me. I picked up my pace and soon enough, I was standing right in front of him.

My heart was trying to make it's escape as I stood there, feeling guilty that I made him feel the need to stand outside and wait for me.

His eyes were red and slightly puffy, he'd been crying. My heart screamed at me to pull him into an embrace.

Instead, I took my coat off and wrapped it around his shoulders.

"(Y/n)...I'm sorry..." His sweet voice broke as he threw his head to look down, "I'm so sorry," He continued.

I pulled him into a tight embrace even though I was still feeling like I should be upset.

I can't stay upset at you forever.

I stroked the back of his hair and held him close. His body trembling.

Is it from the cold air? Or the nerves?

"Why...even when I said don't come, why did you make yourself suffer out here all alone?" I asked softly.

Giyu pulled away and studied my face.

He seemed scared to let the words out, so I put my cupped his cheek. He leaned into my touch and placed his hand over mine, relaxing into the touch.

"I didn't want to lose you."

I felt my heart pull, his words were every bit of sincere as they could get. Lightly, I let my head fall onto his chest.

"I'm sorry too..." I whispered.

I felt Giyu hook his finger around my chin so that I was looking at him. A frown on his face.

"What do you have to be sorry for?" He asked.

"I made you think I was leaving you. It was not my intention at all."

Giyu then wrapped his arms around me and held me close. We stayed like that for a moment before I pulled away.

"You've been put here for too long and it's cold, let's go inside."

I took his hand and intertwined our fingers, leading him into the building.

I felt Giyu's body shutter at the sudden warmth inside, causing me to feel even more guilty.

"Oh wait," Giyu said stopping. I turned to face him as he pulled a small box made out of paper.

He handed it to me as he spoke, "This is not thing I wanted to grab-" He said with wide eyes.

I took the box from him anyways and when I opened it, a fluffy colorful cloud sprang out with bits of confetti and glitter.

It surprised me to say the least, I wasn't expecting that at all...but it made me so happy and I felt a smile spread on my face.

It's so cute.

Giyu tensed up and spoke again, "Oh gosh- I'm so sorry. It's not what I meant to grab, but I was in a hurry and I guess I just-"

I placed a chaste kiss on his cheek to politely say shut up. I gave him a small smile.

"I don't care, I love it."

A small blush spread across his cheeks along with a bashful smile. We then continued our journey to Mitsuri's room.

Once we got there I turned to Giyu.

"Mitsuri is probably still asleep. That girl can sleep through anything. She has a guest room down the hall from her room." I explained.

Giyu nodded his head and we both split off and went to our rooms.

I felt his hand wrap around my wrist and found myself leaning up against his chest again.

"I love you." He whispered.

Before I could say anything else, he was already gone and in the guest room. I stood there for a moment unsure if that all really just happened.

But I was sure the words were real.

And I felt the same.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Sorry for the short chapter :/ but I know you guys wanted to know what was going to happen and this is what I got :/

I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless!

Please stay hydrated!

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