Chapter 147

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Your POV

The bed felt comfy as I turned in my sleep, feeling Giyu's arms wrapped around me protectively and lovingly only made me sink deeper into slumber.

The warmth from the blankets and his body heat comforted me to no end. I took a deep breath in and snuggled in closer, his scent filling my lungs.

The smell of cedarwood and lavender would never get old.

Just as I felt my tired body fall faster, the sounds of loud crying filled my ears.

Hikari needed something again. I checked the time and it was almost 3 in the morning.

I let out a sigh as I pushed myself out of Giyu's hold, causing him to wake up too.

"What-?" He asked tiredly and surprised.

My eyes closed tiredly as I blinked, "Sh, just go back to sleep. You have work in the morning." I said softly.

Giyu sat up blankly, "No, you shouldn't deal with this by yourself. You just had a baby, you go back to sleep."

"And what if she's hungry? I don't think you'll feed her correctly."

Giyu also let out a sigh and rubbed his eyes, "Fine, fine...let's go together."

I hummed as he got up and walked around to the other side of the bed, holding his hands out. I grabbed hold and he helped me out of bed.

Hikari's crib was in our bedroom, seeing as she was much to young to sleep on her own.

The lamp glowed dimly as we walked over to her crying figure. I reached down and lifted her into my arms, cradling her as her cries continued.

"Okay Hikari, what do you need, hm?"

Her cries didn't stop even when I swayed side to side. She wasn't hungry, nor did she need her diaper changed.

Giyu stood over my shoulder as I held her closer and shushed gently.

"C'mon Hikari, it's okay....mommy's here...." I cooed. My entire body felt tired as I rocked back and forth with her.

She hardly calmed down.

"I'm a bad mother already, aren't I?"

Giyu pit his hand on my shoulder, "Love, it's only her third night home, you're just tired. You're the best mother in the world but need to rest for a few days."

I was on maternity leave to take care of Hikari as there is no way I can go to work right now. Giyu was working hard and I could tell he was tiring out too.

We both needed a break.

Hikari kept crying, "Please Hikari,"

She didn't listen to my pleas, her crying only for louder.

"Here," Giyu said and held his arms out, taking Hikari from my arms.

Almost immediately, her cries stopped. My tired eyes widened in astonishment.

"Why didn't I just have you hold her first?" I asked, "Of course she wanted you. When does she not want you?"

Giyu let out a soft chuckle as he held her for a minute, staring down at her as her eyes slowly shut.

"Alright, why don't you go lay back down, I'll put her to bed." He suggested.

I nodded my head and placed a kiss on his cheek.

I practically fell down onto the bed and pulled the duvet over my body, sinking into the sheets.

Giyu joined after placing Hikari back into the crib and wrapped his arms securely around me once more.

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