Chapter 117

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Giyu POV
It has been a couple weeks since finding out about (y/n). She's been fine, but it also worries me how much she's been working.

I get that she said she'd be okay, but I can't help but worry.

...Is this the affect of becoming an eventual dad?

I'm normally not this. . .eughelll. . .

(Y/n) and I were both currently at work meaning I wouldn't be able to message her for a bit.

"Hey Giyu, what's up buddy?" Sabito called as he slung his arm around my shoulder, "You've been super spacious lately, is there something the matter?"

No. I absolutely cannot tell anyone here that (y/n) is pregnant. I will never hear the end of it. Never.

"Not" I answered trying to be casual.

"Oh my god, did you and (y/n) break up?"

My eyes widened as I pushed him off of me.

"What? No. Why would we?"

Sabito put a hand to his chin as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Well if that's not it...then she's probably..."

Please don't guess it, not guess it...

"Is she preg-"

I swiftly shoved my non existent watch in his face while sweating nervously.

"Oh would you look at the time, I've got a lecture. I'll talk to you later."

How does he read me so well!?

I internally panicked all the way through that class period. The Kamado squad was rowdy as usual, but it wasn't anything super bad. I was too worried about Sabito almost knowing about (y/n).

And after that, Sabito kept bugging me throughout the day asking if he was correct. I'd either play dumb, or come up with an excuse to leave.

He knew he was dead on, and I knew he knew...because whenever he approached me, he'd start laughing or smirking.

God I hate him, and I was about to slap him into the next dimension because he was walking home with me.

"So is it going to be a boy or girl? Oh wait, you wouldn't know yet. Which do you hope it will be? Wait, if (y/n) is pregnant, then that means..." Sabito's face was overcome with horror, "you did..."

I shoved my hand over his mouth with a scowl.

"Finish that sentence, and I rip your tongue out."

Sabito's eyes began to sparkle as he shoved my hand away.

"Giyu! I'm so prou-"

"Sabito." I said through gritted teeth.


He followed me home anyways and ended up walking in with me, still talking about me being a future dad.

Curses. I didn't shut the door fast enough...

"How long has she been pregnant? Are you excited? How many kids do you guys plan on having?" Sabito kept asking.

"For the love of god....please stop talking." I rubbed my temples as I plopped myself down on the sofa, Sabito following quickly.

"Someone's touchy.." He smiled, "Is there a reason for this little attitude?"

"Well I'm not exactly stoked about you figuring out that (y/n)'s pregnant."

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