Chapter 76

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Image sent to me by slutforgiyutomioka ^^ thanks for the adorable image :3

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Your POV
I was laying down on my bed staring at the ceiling when Jun had walked in.

"Good morning my love! How are you feeling today?" He smiled brightly. I side glanced him and turned onto my side.

I didn't want to hear from him, so I'll do my best to ignore him.

"(Y/n), I asked you a question." He hummed.

"Leave me alone." I stated plainly, not even batting an eye towards him.

I could tell this angered Jun because his breathing became shallow, and I could practically hear his teeth grind.

"That's no way to treat your future husband."

"You're right, I won't be treating Giyu that way ever. Sorry." I said.

Jun had then gripped me by the arm and pulled me to face him. I winced a little bit at his grip as it had hurt, but tried to not show any emotion by it.

His eyes giving me nothing but hatred, it was almost like he was trying to kill Giyu through my mind. I could feel the wrath in his body just by looking at Jun right now.

"Don't ever say that dogs name to me again." Jun spat.

I sat up angrily and ripped my arm from his touch.

"Then let me go back to him and be happy. You won't ever have to hear about Giyu ever again that way."

The silence grew between us as Jun thought. His expression slowly turning into an angry smile.

"No (y/n), you're mine and there's nothing you can do about it. In fact, the wedding date is set for two weeks from now." He smiled.

"No way in hell would I ever marry you. You're sick, manipulative, narcissistic, annoying, rude, and abusive. Why would I ever marry a damn dog like you?" I spat.

Jun slapped me across the face, the stinging sensation returning to the same cheek I so desperately rubbed his filthy kiss off.

I stared daggers into him as I tried not to think of the new found pain in my cheek.

Jun then started to caress the cheek he had hit and stared pitifully into my eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry dear. I didn't want to hurt you, but you said all those mean things about me and someone had to teach you some manners on how to treat your husband." He cooed.

I looked at him with disgust as he continued to caress my face.

"You're a monster..." I whispered as I looked away.

Jun's face went from sad and gentle, to upset and angry again.

"Fine then, since you won't right your mistake, you can skip breakfast and lunch. Seems you need some more time to think about what you've done." He said as he picked up my hand and placed a kiss on my knuckles.

I yanked my hand away from him and pulled it into my chest.

"I hope you never come back." I growled as he locked the door behind him.

Then I started for the towel again and wet it with water from my bathroom. Endlessy, I did my best to scrub my hand clean from Jun's kiss.

And without notice, I ended up scrubbing so hard I broke skin. Red patches of blood began to fill, and I ran my hand under the water to try and stop it.

Ocean Eyes [Giyu Tomioka x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now