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Alright guys, I'm really sorry to do this, but I think I'm going to go on hiatus. I'm really sorry to do this to you guys, but I think it's for the best.

I need sometime to myself, and I hate it. Especially because of that cliff hanger. Welp. Guess I'll see you in the next chapter...

I'm just kidding, go enjoy this chapter haha.

Chapter 40

Giyu POV
"(Y/n)? Is that you?" I asked the girl in front of me. She stared down at me with her cold, lifeless eyes.

I grit my teeth in anger. Muzan did something to her, she won't even talk to me.

"Ah my bad, she isn't the most talkative anymore. Personally I think that's a good thing. She's no longer annoying with telling me 'no' all the time." Muzan smiled.

"Now she'll do just about anything I want," Muzan turned towards (y/n), "(y/n), sit down."

Without fail or even a 'yes sir' she sat down. Her back straight up and her shoulders relaxed.

"Isn't she the perfect little puppet? This is what I wanted from the beginning of the first night I met her. All it took, was a little bit more of my blood."

I tried to struggle my way out of the wood, but Nakime made sure I wasn't going anywhere.

"She'll just sit there and stare with no expression whatsoever. I can do whatever I want with her, and she'll do nothing about it."

Muzan moved closer to (y/n) and raised his hand.

"Don't lay a finger on her!" I shouted, and Muzan turned towards me with an irritated look on his face.

He rolled his eyes and turned back to (y/n).

"Fine, if you don't want me to touch her, they can." He gestured to the other demons that were in the room.

"No don't-"

Nakime stummed her biwa, and sharp wood from the floor impaled (y/n)'s arms and legs, holding her in place for the others to do what they want.

"Stop hurting her!"

I did my best to turn my head towards them and look for who said it.

"Leave her alone!" Another shouted, this time it was Mitsuri.

What are you guys...?

I could feel my chest tighten as they all shouted for (y/n).

They don't even remember who she is, yet they're trying to help

I wave of relief hit me when the other demons backed off. Muzan held his hand up as if to get us to stop shouting. Just like that the room went silent.

"While physical pain is fun, I plan to break her completely. She's in a trance right now, but if I take her out of it, she'll go back to how she was."

He walked back over to (y/n) and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Ready to watch him die?" He leaned in and whispered something to her.

(Y/n) gave a slight nod and brought her red eyes to meet mine.

A cold sweat ran down my neck and I could feel my fingers tingle.

I need to bring her out of that trance...but how will I get through to her?

"(Y/n)! This isn't you! Wake up!" Tanjiro yelled from across the room. I whipped my head around to him as he kept shouting.

Ocean Eyes [Giyu Tomioka x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now