Chapter 69

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I need some serious help-

I have an unhealthy obsession with this man 😩✋

. . .

Giyu POV
I watched the family infront of me have a conversation that seemed to revolve around (y/n)'s older brother.

It was clear to me that she didn't want to be here with them, yet she says she's fine.

I can tell whenever there's something wrong when she looks down at her feet, or turns away from everyone else.

We were currently on our way back to their house with three people crammed in the back.

The sun was setting in the sky leaving a warm orange colour to blanket the blue. It was pretty, and I wondered if (y/n) grew up with this same sunset everyday.

When we arrived home, Hiroto and Mr. (L/n) helped Mrs. (L/n) inside the house. Well, the attempted, but she was wanting to do it herself.

I followed (y/n) inside all the way to the living room where everyone else was.

"Hiroto!" A high pitched voice squealed, and a blur of light brown hair swept by me.

I assumed it was Yui by the way she hugged him.

"Yui, I'm glad to see you." He said placing a hand on her shoulder.

Yui turned towards Mr and Mrs. (Y/n).

"I'm glad you're doing well Mrs. (L/n)!" She smiled brightly.

"Oh Yui, I've told you to call me Mom. No need to be so formal with me." She smiled back.

"I hope you don't mind, I've made us dinner!" Yui said.

"You didn't have to go and do that." Hiroto said stepping to her side. Yui just giggled.

"If only others would do the same." Hiroto said looking at (y/n). I watched her slump down more from that comment.

"Anything I can do to help, I will!" She said making eye contact with me, "Mm? Who's this?" She asked.

"No need to answer that right now, introductions can happen during dinner, let's eat." Hiroto answered for me.

. . .

Soon enough, we were all kneeling down at the table with food infront of us.

"I hope everyone like miso and unagi!" Yui said.

"You pamper me too much, you know it's my favourite!" Mrs. (L/n) giggled.

We all started eating our food, however, (y/n) was just poking at hers really.

"So, who's he?" Yui asked Hiroto, pointing at me.

"Tomioka, please introduce yourself." Mr. (L/n) said.

I placed my utensils down and placed my hands on my lap.

"My name is Giyu Tomioka, and I'm (y/n)'s boyfriend." I said.

"Right, that's been established already, and what do you do for work?" He asked.

"I work as a P.E. teacher at Kimetsu Academy."

Mr. (L/n) scoffed, and looked at (y/n).

"A P.E. teacher? Jun's an astrophysicist. Surely you could have done better, (y/n)." He scolded. (Y/n) shot her head up and looked angry.

"Dad!" She shouted.

"Don't raise your voice at me young lady. You have no right to do so when you couldn't even finish your studies to become a doctor. Hiroto here has filled that role for you." He said.

Ocean Eyes [Giyu Tomioka x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now