Chapter 2

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He looks so gentle ;-;

Your POV
I...I failed. So many have died, and I couldn't even stop one of the Twelve Kizuki...

As I was staring off into space with my thoughts, I didn't notice Giyu walk in.

"Oh, you're awake." I didn't hear him say.

Giyu POV
No answer.

. . .

"(Y/n)?" I tried again. She was off in her own world.

I wonder what she's thinking about.

Wait why?

I cleared my throat and the small girl jumped.

"Oh! Tomioka-San! I didn't notice you!!" She laughed nervously.

Tomioka-san? When did she start calling me that? Whatever happened to Giyu?

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

Your POV
Wait Giyu is talking to me now? Wait Giyu wants to know how I'm feeling now!?

I smiled at the thought.

"I'm doing better now that you're here!" I sweat dropped and began to blush.

Wait that came out wrong!!!

I mentally breakdown and look towards Giyu. Stone cold face.

He hates me now!!

I mentally die.

"W-what I meant t-to say was-"

"I'm glad I could help." He answers bluntly.

I mentally scream and slap my cheeks.

"Are you feeling okay? You look a little red." He asked.

"Y-yeah I'm totally fine." I sweat.

Giyu takes a step closer to me and puts the back of his hand to my forhead.

S-so close!

His hands were rough, and big. Yet they felt so gentle at the same time.

"Mm, you feel a little warm, you might have a fever." He moves his hand to my cheek and I naturally lean in to his touch.

When I realized what I was doing, I shot up from him.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to- I was. Augh- I'm tired." I state. Giyu looked back at me in shock but then his face softened.

"Then you should rest." He gently says. I nod and watch him leave the room.

I felt my entire body heat up and my face flush, quickly I turned on my side and hugged my pillow while trying to suffocate myself.

What the hell (y/n)!!!! Why did you act like that! Everyone else already hates you and now you're gonna mess up the one okay relationship you have because you scared him away!!!

I drifted off to sleep while mentally beating myself up.

Giyu POV
I quickly exited (Y/n)'s room before she could see my face. I touch my cheek as I feel the blush die down.

What...what was that? My cheeks are warm and my heart is racing.

The way she leaned into my hand, the feel of her soft skin...the look of her tousled hair...why does it make me feel happy?

Ocean Eyes [Giyu Tomioka x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now