Chapter 27

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(Oof this has been a long story. Man for being my first full book this turned out pretty well. No this is not the last chapter, there will be an epilogue wrapping everything up. Well enjoy!) (P.S. please correct me if there are any spelling mistakes!)

All of you stood in uncomfortable silence until Zak spoke up. "Darryl and I have to go and deal with all of this," Zak said pointing to the commotion around you guys. "Oh! And one more thing, all of your items like backpacks, phones, wallets, or whatever you had before this began, are over there." Zak said pointing to a cop car and two cops with a blanket on the ground protecting the stuff. "Well, goodbye everyone," Zak said with a couple of tears in his eyes.

"Yeah, goodbye you muffins," Darryl said with tears rolling down his face.

"Goodbye." You said with a soft smile. Darryl gave all of you a quick hug before running off with Zak. You watched them walk away towards some people with badges and clipboards. You looked back to the group to see Wilbur and Niki looking at something behind them.

"Yeah, Niki and I have to head off too. Hopefully, this is not the last time we see each other." Wilbur spoke with a sad chuckle.

"I'm gonna miss all of you guys!" Niki spoke while hugging everyone. When she gave you a hug it felt like you never wanted to let go. Niki was a really good friend and you did not want this to be your final goodbye. Wilbur walked around and gave everyone a hug as well. It felt like it was way too soon to be saying goodbye but here you are.

"Bye, everyone!" Wilbur said while walking to the cop car with Niki. You watched as they grabbed their stuff then walked to a white car where people were waiting for them. You saw them hug those people tightly and you guessed that they were family.

"Clay and I should probably do the same," George spoke. "We were supposed to meet up with a friend, but then all of this happened," George said laughing a little.

"Speaking of our friend George, look over there," Clay said pointing to someone. The man had shaggy black hair and a white piece of fabric wrapped around his head. He had a thick black coat on and was staring at his phone which lit up his face. His hazel eyes were filled with concern.

"He looks so worried..." George said looking at him. "Y/N? Techno?" George asked grabbing your attention.

"Yeah?" You replied.

"Promise this won't be the last time we see each other," George said holding back tears. Saying goodbye to everyone was a lot harder than you thought it would be.

"Promise." You said with tears also threatening to spill over. Techno just nodded with a very small, yet visible smile on his face.

"Thank you," George spoke while wiping away the tears from his eyes. "Okay, Clay let's grab our stuff and surprise him," George said with a smile. "Bye Y/N," He said giving you a hug. Once he let go Clay gave you a hug as well.

"I'm glad that you trusted me Y/N," Clay said with a smile.

"I'm glad too." You said with tears finally spilling over.

George and Clay then walked to the cop car grabbed their stuff. You saw Clay grab George's hand and walk toward the other figure. Once they reached him, Clay lightly tapped on the man's shoulder making him look up from his phone. You watched as the guy gasped and quickly pulled them in for a hug.

Then it was just you and Technoblade. Looking at your surroundings in silence. You didn't really know what to say to him. You haven't really gotten too close to Technoblade as you had with the others.

"Do you have a place to go?" You asked breaking the silence.

He let out a big sigh. "Y/N, I've been here for 5 years. I don't even remember my name! I think that the family I had given up on me by now." He said with a little chuckle.

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