Chapter 28

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(This has been one of my favorite stories to write ever. I'm sorry that this extra chapter took so long tho, I kind of needed a break. Thank you for all of the support that you have given me guys. Without all of you, I couldn't have done this. Now for the last time, enjoy!) -Mo

1 year later...

It's now been a whole year after the kidnapping incident. The news reported it as just that. A kidnapping. You of course knew that it wasn't just that, but the police wanted this thing to stay under wraps until they at least figure everything out. After the incident, you were contacted by many news reporters all wanting to get a story out of you but they never did. You either just blocked them or politely declined their offer depending on how you were feeling that day. It's been a year and they still won't stop bothering you with calls and texts trying to get the scoop. That's what you thought this unknown number was. Just another annoying reporter. Why can't they leave you alone?

You looked at the number again before finally deciding to click on the text. You were deciding to be polite today.

Unknown Number: *** *** ****

Hey Y/N, is this your number? Sorry if it isn't.


Yes, this is Y/N

I'm sorry to say that I will not be doing

any interviews about the kidnapping

Thank you.

Unknown Number: *** *** ****

No, no, no, Y/N it's Wilbur!


Wilbur? Is that really you?!

Unknown Number: *** *** ****

It is! Remember the tests?


Yeah, I remember

Wait, how did you get my number?


From Darryl and Zak

Were trying to get everyone together

again to meet up!


Really? That's great!

Where and when is this happening?


We're planning to meet up at Sawmill Park

Sunday at 2:00 pm

Does that work for you?


Yeah that works for me

I can't wait to see all of you again!


Yeah neither can I!

Well it's been great talking

to you Y/N

See you Sunday!


See ya!

You felt ecstatic. You were going to see your friends again! Well, if you could call them friends. They were more like traumatic experience buddies.

Speaking of the traumatic experience, you still had a photo of Emma up in your room. It was small and was held in a black frame sitting on your desk. Every now and then you would put a flower next to the photo or actually visit her grave but you have been doing it less often as time passes. Your Mom was curious about how she died but you never quite answered her. You just gave half-truths or full out lies. After a bit, she got the memo and stopped asking.

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