Chapter 17

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haha, bonk I get writing block :) Oh well update pog

You let go of Niki's finger and stared ahead again. It was quiet again but this time it was a calming silence. Emma walked out of the changing room and sat down next to the shoes to change them. Niki waved a small goodbye and walked into the changing room. You looked to your left and saw that the guys were also taking turns and going one at a time to change. You slid down the wall to sitting and finally decided that you would also change your shoes to the white sneakers. You changed the size a couple of times until you got the right fit. They were definitely softer than your other shoes and the laces weren't too hard to tie which was nice. You moved your feet around a little feeling happy with the pair and brought your knees up to your chest. Emma shifted over so she was sitting next to you and together the two of you, stared at a wall. You know you have a top-notch friendship when you can just stare at a wall together and enjoy yourselves. Or you're just really awkward.

Niki eventually came out of the changing room and the three of you just waited for everyone else to be ready and stared at a wall. Eventually, everyone was changed into new clothes. You didn't hate the clothes but they did have a weird texture that felt almost like scales. You looked around the gym and stood up. You then walked to the track and inspected it. What would be the cheat for this? You thought. It's just a race! You stared at the track for a moment longer before turning back to the rest of the group. A couple of people were talking while Zak was sitting down stretching. You walked towards Zak to talk to him but you were interrupted by the noise of the speakers.

"All of the contestants must line up on the track at this moment. The test of speed will begin soon." As soon as the speaker turned off a new person walked into the room. This was most likely the person you were up against. She had the same clothes as everyone else but she had a black t-shirt instead of a white one. She had long brown hair tied up into a ponytail and deep brown eyes. She was pretty tall from what you could see and had an odd almost angry expression. You watched as she took the 7th lane on the track her expression never changing from its fierce competitive look. You walked to the track starting line with everyone else. You now just noticed how they modified the track to have 9 lanes instead of 8 so it could fit everyone. Slowly you took your spot in the 4th lane, keeping your eye on the woman 3 lanes away from you. Everyone else slowly lined up, Niki lining up on your left and Darryl on your right. You knew you weren't the best runner, but you just hoped that you did at least a little well. Niki gave you an encouraging smile, and you gave one right back.

"Are all of you ready?" The voice asked. You gave a shaky nod and heard a couple of yes's. "Good and remember, your fear is your greatest enemy. 5 4 3 2 1. Begin." You quickly ran as soon as the voice said go. Your legs felt heavy and weak but you pushed forwards in hope of beating the woman. You realized that hope was pointless when you watched as she passed you and got a huge lead ahead. You knew she was fast, but she was way faster than you thought she was original. Then Zak was next to pass you in the race followed by Clay. You sighed and kept running, it didn't matter if you weren't the fastest but it did matter that you tried.

You were doing okay and even though you knew you wouldn't win you ran and the same speed you started with if not faster. You could see out of your peripheral vision that even though the race had barely begun the woman had made it around ¾ of the first lap. You ran harder with your head pounding and your body demanding you to stop. You had to push yourself and that means you weren't going to stop. You ran and watched as the woman completed her first lap. She was slowing down but not enough for Zak to win. You were going to fail the test! You needed to do something to stop her. You ran off the track and headed straight for the woman who was behind you but was going to catch up. She could not win. You ran right at her and shoulder slammed her as hard as you could. She clearly wasn't expecting that and stumbled back pretty far. She was quick to react and tried to run around you to win the race. You grabbed her arm and pulled her back as hard as you could. She fell back and you pushed her the rest of the way to the ground. She obviously wasn't the best at fighting so you were able to pin her and step on her back to keep her in place.

"Finish the race, Zak!" You yelled as loud as you could. He turned to you and made eye contact for a split second before nodding and almost doubling his speed. While you were looking up the woman rolled over and tripped you. She stood up to run again but as soon as she started to move you grabbed her leg and acted as an ankle weight. She tried to shake off your grip but you didn't allow her. You turned your head just in time to see Zak cross the finish line meaning you passed the test. You let go of the woman and stood up. You stared at her with a determined look on your face and she started laughing. Her laughter grew making all of your confidence evaporate.

She shook her head and spoke to you with a smile," You are by far one of the craziest people I ran against." She said in an odd but sweet accent. "However, it's the crazy ones that survive this." The woman then turned and walked away leaving you speechless. Lost in your thoughts you didn't notice when Emma came up next to you until she started to speak.

"Y/N! That was insane!" Emma yelled sounding a bit out of breath.

"Yeah, I guess it was." You said rubbing the back of your neck. You walked back with Emma to everyone else who was at the finish line chatting. When Clay noticed you he started wheezing like a tea kettle uncontrollably making George chuckle.

"Y/N you tackled that woman into oblivion! I turned around for one sec to see you ram into her! I had to control myself from laughing during the race!" Clay shouted his laughter only getting louder.

"Do you think that they will allow that?" You asked not as excited as Clay, "I mean we did technically cheat but on the other hand, the voice didn't say once that you couldn't tackle your opponent. Just like in the strategy test." You said thinking. Instead of answers you only got laughter. You joined the laughter with a couple of snickers as you watched Clay become more out of breath from laughing than the actual race before. Finally, after a bunch of waiting and more laughter, the voice echoed through the room again.

"Congratulations. You pass the speed test. Even though you used strange tactics to pass this test, you pass none the less. Your actions here were similar to one of your earlier tests. You seem to be passing the test with much more destructive behavior than the other groups. We recommend that this behavior stops or someone will get hurt. Guards will be there soon to bring you to your next room, in a couple of moments." You let out a sigh of relief while Zak and Clay just laughed again. That was close. You just have to be less destructive and everyone will be fine. You thought calming yourself down. You then looked at the annoying laughter duo at it again with their shenanigans.

"Did you hear the voice?!" Zak said chuckling and hiccupping trying to keep it together, "'You used strange tactics' yeah no sh*t! We f*cking tackled someone! I bet the other groups didn't even think of doing that!" He said bursting with laughter unable to hold it much longer. You weren't mad at them for making a big deal out of it just surprised how much they were making a big deal out of it. They are acting like they are high. You thought as you rolled your eyes.

"Language you muffin heads!" 

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