Chapter 14

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(Sorry this is late guys, I had to watch the end of Unus Annus yesterday, and MCC 12 today. Enjoy this chapter!)

(tw: Animal death. Nothing too graphic, mostly implied.)

"You will be brought into the next room in just a moment. They all have loaded guns so it is in your best interest not to try anything." The voice spoke. You looked around at everyone, who even though you never knew at all before you felt closer with them as if you had been friends all your life. Emma had been your friend almost all your life but you felt closer to her now. In this situation, you were seeing everyone's real emotions. Not some face they put up to fit in, but truly them.

The guards burst open the door and quickly grabbed everyone. It was surprising how used to this you were getting. They dragged you and the others out of the room and you slowly walked down the hallway. You slightly turned your head back to look at Emma who was behind you, but a guard put an end to that quickly.

"Eye's ahead or a bullet in your head. You choose." He said with a serious voice. You turned your head back quickly not wanting to get shot. You looked ahead as you watch the two in the front of the group, Niki and George, go into a room. Wilbur, who was in front of you, was next to enter the room but his guards walked right past it. You were confused and as you made your way to the door, the guards also walked past it. Are they separating us again? You know that Emma, Zak, Darryl, and Clay we're behind you, so it's most likely that you're going to be teamed up with Wilbur.

About two rooms down Wilbur was shoved into a doorway. Once you made it to that door the same happened to you. The door was slammed behind the both of you meaning you were stuck. You turned around and looked around your new surroundings. The room had one green wall while the rest were white. In the corner, there was a small box with a lock on it that you knew you couldn't break. In the center was a cage on a table with a small rabbit inside. It had small beady red eyes that you found kind of cute, and a white fluffy coat. You walked up to the cage and let the small creature sniff your hand. You were confused at the knife and didn't want to touch it so you left it be. On top of the cage was a small note with a bit of writing on it. You picked that up instead and looked at the writing.

"What does it say?" Wilbur asked.

"Charlie." You said reading the note. "The rabbit's name is Charlie."

"That's cute." Wilbur said, smiling. He walked up to the cage and also began to pet the rabbit. At first, it was scared of both of your touch but it quickly ended up loving the pets.

Interrupting your pets, the voice crackers through the small speakers you hadn't noticed.

"Welcome to the next test. You all have different tests that all require creativity or punishment. You have been separated into four rooms, the blue room, the green room, the yellow room, and the orange room. In the blue room you will have too-". Then the audio cut out for you and Wilbur. You were guessing that they cut it out on purpose. After a couple of moments, the voice came through the speakers again.

"In the green room you will have to find out a way to unlock that box in 30 minutes. The key is inside of the rabbit's stomach. You can get creative and think of a way to get the key without hurting the rabbit, or you can cut him open and get the key. Once the box is opened you will pass the test. Your time begins now." Both you and Wilbur stopped petting the rabbit and looked at the knife. How in the world would you get the key without hurting the rabbit? You noticed that the cage fotr the rabbit didn't have a lock so the first thing you did was opening the cage. Wilbur picked up the rabbit and you watched as it snuggled into his arms.

"We are not using that knife on him." You replied quickly.

"We will do it if we have to," Wilbur responded, correcting you. Yo grabbed the rabbit from his arms and began feeling his stomach. Yup, there was a key in there.

"I don't think we can make the rabbit poop in 30 minutes. The key also feels way too big for that. I think we should try to pull it out of his stomach."

"How would we do that?" Wilbur asked.

"What if we made something like a fishing rod? The rabbit could swallow it and then we would pull the key out by hooking it." You thought aloud.

"Maybe we could use our close to make it." Wilbur suggested. You nodded and pushed the rabbit back it Wilburs arms. Quickly you pulled a string that was sticking out of your outfit. Once it was long enough you snapped it with your hands.

"This can be used as the line. Now we just need a hook." You said looking around. You grabbed the cage and looked at the small opening on it. There was a piece you could break off but it wasn't in the shape of a hook. What if we bent it? You broke off the straight piece and tried to bend it with your hands. Sadly, it wasn't working. "Shoot!" You fumed.

"Here give me a try," Wilbur said taking the piece and giving you Charlie. Slowly Wilbur bent the piece until it was in the shape of a hook. "What was this cage made of? This stuff is tough." Wilbur commented.

"I dont know." You answered while handing him the string. He grabbed it and tied it to the line creating the hook. You and Wilbur sat down on the tile. He had the hook. You had Charlie. You positioned the rabbits mouth towards Wilbur and he slowly put the hook in his mouth. You watched as Wilbur tried to make the rabbit eat the hook, but Charlie would not swallow the hook. After a couple of minutes you decided to switch. You tried to get the rabbit to swallow the hook but every time you tried to put it in his mouth the rabbit would bite you or move his head back and squirm.

"Five minutes remaining." Spoke the voice. Wilbur looked at you and stood up. You knew you couldn't stop him when he grabbed the knife.

"I'm sorry Y/N. We have too." You looked towards the corner of the room. You did not want to see Charlie die. You could hear the rabbit squirm for a second or two before the noise stopped. The only noises you heard after that were gross and squishy sounding and made you want to puke.

"I got the key," Wilbur said softly.

"Wilbur, I'm not turning around. Just open the box so this can be over with." You weren't mad at Wilbur just mad that the rabbit had to die. You heard the noise of the lock and the box opening.

"What's inside?" You asked, still not turning around.

"A note. It says, green rabbit?" Wilbur spoke questioning what he read.

"You pass the test. The guards will collect you soon." The voice said quickly. All of a sudden the door opened revealing a couple of guards waiting for you two. You walk toward the guards with Wilbur right behind you. They walked you out of the room and began taking you back through the hallways. They stop you at a new door and shove you both inside. There waiting is Clay, Darryl, Niki, and Geroge all looking worried.

Niki spoke up first, much more relieved that Wilbur was there now. "Thank god you're okay Wil- what happened to your hands?!" You turned around and for the first time after the incident looked at his hands. They were covered in blood. You stood there shocked. You knew it would be messy, but just the look of his hands and the memory of what the sweet rabbit looked like made you freeze.

He looked at you then at Niki. "We had to kill a rabbit."

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