Chapter 20

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(This is a longer chapter today! Also, these chapters may take longer to get out because I really want them to be amazing. Enjoy! Also, update pog!)

You woke up to the noise of a door opening. You opened your eyes and took in your surroundings realizing that this was all real. You had wished that it was one of those sick nightmares that would never be a reality yet here you are. You stood up and quickly got yanked out of the room by some guards. You were pulled around through the hallways, each step waking you up slightly more until you arrived at your destination. The door that you arrived at was a bright red that failed to hide the darker red splatters of what you guessed was blood on top.

The door was opened and you were quickly shoved inside the room. It was a large room with grey floors and smooth white walls that had red stains all over it. On the ground was a white line that split the room into two halves and on the opposite side of the room was another door. Even with all of the chaos and odd stuff in the room, the first thing you noticed was a man with long pink hair and a pig mask sitting on the ground. Technoblade. Everyone was looking at the pink-haired man in silence. You watched as he took a deep breath and stood up to face everyone. It looked as if he wanted to say something but just couldn't find the words to say it.

The voice interrupted the silence with the crackling of the speakers, "Welcome everyone to the agility test. Technoblade will be joining you for this and the next test as a punishment. We have also decided that we would skip the eighth test and go right to the ninth. This test will test your agility as you doge knifes being thrown at you. You will also be given knives to throw at the opposing team like a cruel game of dodgeball. However unlike dodge ball, if you get hit you will still participate in the test, well unless you're dead. The test will end once the opposing team is all killed or if your team is killed. The test will begin shortly. Good luck and as always, your fear is your greatest enemy." You quickly looked at Technoblade who you now noticed was holding all of the knives that would be thrown by your team.

After another moment of uncomfortable silence, Technoblade finally decided to speak up while flipping one of the knives in his hand, "The people we are going against are good at throwing but not that good at dodging so um, yeah," Technoblade said kind of awkwardly. You didn't know what you were expecting his voice to be but you didn't think it would be that... monotone. He was also a lot more awkward than you expected but you were too so you didn't hold him against it.

"Why did you try and escape?" George asked bluntly. You saw Technoblade stiffen slightly before answering.

"Well... to help you guys I guess. I don't want anyone to go through the hell I went through."

Clay took this time to step in and speak, "Well, you were a little late their 'buddy' cause if you didn't hear we have gone through 7 of these tests so far. We've been through hell," Clay said gritting his teeth towards the end. You saw Techno's expression and demeanor change in an instant. His eyebrows quickly furrowed and he looked Clay dead in the eye.

"If you think this is hell, your wrong. You haven't been locked in a room for weeks on end to see how long you can survive without food. You haven't gotten your bones broken to see how fast they can heal." Technoblade spoke angrily at Clay slowly getting closer to him. "You haven't experienced the injections and the experiments. You haven't witnessed your friends die in front of your face while you watch strapped in a chair helpless! You haven't been through hell yet 'buddy' and with my help, you might not have to." He said right in Clay's face his anger restless. You stood shocked as you watched Technoblade turn back to the other side of the room furious.

You turned back to Clay only to see him with wide eyes. He was shocked and you were too.

"Clay?" You asked. He didn't respond but continued to stare at Techno with wide eyes. Just to make matters worse the other team walked into the room each with a throwing knife in hand.

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