Chapter 6

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Your mind was swirling with thoughts and none of them came to a logical conclusion of why Clay said that unless he really did trust you. Why would he trust me though after what I said about not trusting anyone? You just couldn't understand why he would do that. Maybe I should be friends with him. You think again. He said he trusts you, why can't you do the same? I was such a jerk to everyone.

Maybe I should apologize to them. You sighed as you realized if you were going to apologize now is definitely the time you should. You couldn't just let everyone be mad at you. Just the thought of everyone being mad at you was something you didn't want to have on your conscience. You needed to say sorry to Zak first before you said sorry to everyone. You felt bad when he lashed out at you for what you said. His emotions were also most likely enhanced by the mist at that time, but that didn't change the fact that you felt bad.

You sighed again then stood up, using the wall behind you as a sort of support. You scan the room and see Zak talking with Darryl, and Darryl rolling his eyes while smiling. Darryl then walked towards Wilbur to talk with him. You knew this was the perfect moment to talk to him. You began to walk over to Zak when the speakers turned on again postponing your apology.

"Your ten minutes are up. We are glad to see that you were quick on your feet and survived. You see, this wasn't a test of physical strength, but a test of mental strength. Those who were in a weak mental state were corrupted quicker. Corruption symptoms include feelings of anger or aggression towards others. If you had failed to block the sprayers in time, that aggression would have worsened, and you would have killed each other. Those normally exposed to the spray for more than 7 minutes have tried to kill another person."

The voice took a pause in its speech letting everyone think. Your mind was now doing circles around this new information. I could have killed someone!?! I was corrupted first, which means I-I had the weakest mental state here. I would have been a murderer! I- Quickly your negative thoughts were interrupted by Emma placing a hand on your shoulder. She looked at you with a small smile then looked back at the speakers waiting for it to continue as if nothing happened. You looked at her with wondering eyes. Your mind was now only filled with one question, Why did she do that?

A moment later the speakers came back on, filling the room with the robotic voice.

"For the next test, we need to move you into another room. You have two options here. 1. You can remove the fabric from the cans, and we will replace the spray with something that will knock you out, or 2. We will have to send our guards in to manually knock you out." Everyone was silent at that. The choice was to obey their commands or fight. Why were they giving you a choice? Couldn't they just knock us out now? Well in that case I'm not going down without some fight! You decided that was it. You were given a choice, and you would choose the choice that would make it hard on them.

"I rather go down fighting than going down doing nothing at all." You retorted loudly so everyone could hear. "If you want me out of this room, you going to have to take me from it!" You said while this time facing one of the cameras. This was your act of rebellion against this horrible experiment. You were not going to follow what

"I'm ready to fight," Emma spoke up from next to you. Her voice had a sinister tone that matched her just as a creepy smile.

"I'm not giving up so easily either, I will put up a fight," Clay said backing you up as well. He was trusting your decision completely. Maybe you have more than one person you could trust.

"Is this what you all choose?" The voice said again from the speakers. Everyone in the room gave a nod. "Very well." The voice said almost sounding disappointed even with the robotic cover. "Have fun." The speaker turned off and almost instantly after multiple people came in through the doors. Each of them with black suits rags in their hands.

You were next to one of the doors, so right away someone grabbed you by the wrist. Like you said earlier, you were going to make this hard on them. You turned quickly and pulled the arm that was being grabbed up to your face. Looking at your wrist you saw the guy's arm and bit it as hard as you could. Your teeth latched on to his arm until you could taste the irony blood fill your mouth. He let go of your wrist and you saw the blood cover his arm. Now this person was angry. The man then lifted up his arm and was about to punch you when Emma came in and body-slammed him out of the way. You turn to watch the fight and you see Emma pinning him down and punching him in the face. Knowing that she has got that covered you look around the room to see if anyone else needs help.

Scanning the room you see Wilbur fighting someone and a guard he doesn't see coming up behind him. You run over purposely pushing other guards out of the way, and grab the guard by the collar of her suit pulling them to the ground. She does a backward summersault back to standing and quickly throws a punch at you. You weren't expecting it and got hit in the face. Acting quick on your feet, you lift your leg up and kick her in the stomach. That made her lose her breath and bent over. You then grab her by the back of the head and brought your knee up, smacking her right the face, hard enough to knock her out. You dropped her head and saw blood coming from her nose. Did I really hit her that hard?

Moving around in the chaos once again, you see Zak kicking and punching at 3 guards that are all trying to knock him out. You run over to help him but are pulled back by the wrist again. You look and see another guard behind you. You free your hand and try to punch him but he pushes it to the side and deflects it. Then with one arm, he traps your wrist with his elbow, while his other arm weaves under your shoulder and above your head. He takes a step back and grabs you by the neck. Then he pushes you to the ground face up. He then places his elbow on your stomach, which makes you gasp. As you gasp he places the rag on your face, making you breathe in the chloroform. You try to get up but his elbow keeps you in place. Darkness starts to cloud your vision. Tears start to form in your eyes. I-I need to get up! You try your best but are still unable to get up. Your head turns to the side and you watch the others fight. Slowly blacking out you see the remainder of the fight in small snips. Each blink seeming to move time ahead.


Zak was passed out now from the 3 guards finally getting to him.


Darryl's face was being covered in a rag from behind him.


Clay got punched in the face by a much bigger guard.


Niki was pushing the guards away from her, tears, and determination in her eyes.


George's glasses were stepped on and shattered into a million pieces.


Wilbur was pulled back by the sleeve of his shirt.


Emma was being pinned down by 3 or 4 guards. Yet she still hadn't given up the fight.

Then you passed out.

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