Chapter 10

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 (Sorry if this chapter isn't too good, I have a science project I need to work on.)

"It still hurts a little, but yes." Darryl rasped his real voice slowly starting to creep in. Wilbur nodded slowly, taking in all of this information he had just been given. Niki rubbed his back and placed a hand on Wilburs shoulder. He looked up at her and held her hand with a smile. You smiled at them and turned to look at the glass. Your eyes were met with a wistfully looking Clay, staring through the window. He was clearly waiting for George to pop through the door on the other side of the glass. You could tell he cared a lot for his friend, more than what he let show.

The door finally opened revealing George in his odd blue t-shirt. He seemed nervous and quickly walked over to the glass. Others started to notice his presence and walked up to the glass. George gave a small wave to everyone and began slowly talking to Clay. You picked up on a couple of things they were saying like 'I'm picking guard 4' and 'you will do great' but you decided that it was rude to eavesdrop and left them alone. You walked over to Emma and the both of you sat down against a wall.

"It's kinda weird how we just accept this now isn't it?" Emma spoke breaking the silence.

"Yeah, it is." You said while looking at the ground.

"I mean I would have been in 4th block by now if it wasn't or this," Emma spoke laughing a little.

"You're making it sound like a field trip." You said smiling.

"At least I get to skip Mr.Wilson's class," Emma said jokingly.

"Yeah," You spoke softly. Then you stifled a laugh as you spoke "Now we don't have to turn in the assignment."

"Your right! We would have failed so badly if we turned it in." Emma chuckled. You give a small laugh and stare at the ground again. It was nice that you could share those moments with Emma. If she wasn't here you wouldn't know what to do. You're glad that you're not alone.

"Do you think he can still fail us once we get out of here? Like we get back to school and he says 'Welcome back! You've failed'!" You jeered, mimicking his voice.

"If he can't he'll find a way too." Emma snickered.

"Guard 4 will be here momentarily." The voice spoke over the speakers. You and Emma sat up and looked outside the glass. George was standing right next to the ring looking nervous. Not short after another guard came through the door. He had short black hair and jet blue eyes. He was ready to fight and compared to George, he was way taller. Both men entered the ring waiting for the fight to begin.

The voice told them to start and immediately punches were thrown. As in George was getting punches thrown at him. Luckily George reacted fast and punched the Guard in the face. The guard backed up a little before aiming a kick at Georges's head. George ducked put still got hit a little making him lose his balance and fall over. You watched the fight continue with George doing better as time went on. This guard seemed to have really fast reflexes and a good punch, but George was able to mimic his moves to defend himself. You think back to your fight and don't remember it being this aggressive. Sure it was violent, but it was slower and less bloodthirsty. You watch on as George began to get multiple punches in, momentarily stunning the guard. George took this as his chance and gave a final hard punch to the guy's face, knocking him out. After that punch, George held his hand a little in pain and you noticed he was a little more injured than either you and Wilbur were.

"Well done George. Your team gets 8 points. We will have Zak go next. George you will have 3 guards walk you to the room where the others are at. Zak, you will come out of the room peacefully or we will shoot you and anyone else that tries to fight." The voice spoke over the speakers. Zak walked up to the door and waited as George walked through the door on the other side of the glass.

"That fight seemed harder than the other two." You said quietly thinking aloud.

"Yeah," Emma said being the only one that heard you. "I've been watching the fights and that guy seemed like a more experienced fighter."

"Hm" Was all you said in response. Maybe they got the guards mixed up? You thought trying to come up with an explanation. You turned around and watched as the door slammed open revealing 3 guards. Zak walked through not making a protest and stood in the middle of the three guards. The door was shut and all you could hear was 4 sets of footsteps walking away. Your eyes scanned the room and you notice Clay was still staring out the window. He looked extremely confused and almost angry. You tapped him gently and his head quickly whipped around to face you.

"Woah jumpy much?" You stated at his quick reaction.

"Um yeah sorry, just thinking." He responded quickly.

"About what?" You ask curious why he was so deep in thought.

"Every test so far has had a way to beat it easily if you outsmart it. For the first test if you figure out that the light was used the whole test then it's way easier to beat it. For the second test, you can cover your face so you won't get affected by the mist. This test just seems like we're brute-forcing through it, don't you think there would be a way to cheat it almost? Like the other test." He said pouring a lot onto you.

"Yeah, I get what your thinking, but how would we cheat this?" You ask having no clue.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out. I think we will get more answers if Zak picks guard 7." He says staring out the window.

"Isn't that the toughest guard? That might be dangerous." You add in not wanting Zak to get seriously hurt.

"Yeah, but he might be the best choice because he has been doing training or whatever. Darryl and Zak should be the most experienced out of all of us, even Emma. She is pretty strong but these guys have been training to fight people like them." Clay said making a valid point. You were going to respond but you were interrupted by the door opening. You turn around and see George, all healed up, enter the room. The door slammed behind him and a couple of people waved to the brunette.

"George!" Clay called walking over to him, "You did great!"

"Thanks!" George replied. "That guard roughed me up a bit though." George and Clay continued to talk with others adding in occasionally. Through the glass, you could see some movement through your peripheral vision. You turn your head to see Zak now inside that room not so suddenly checking out the ring.

"Guys Zak's here." You said motioning your head towards the glass. Clay peaked up at this and quickly moved over to the glass. Clay then started to move his arms around to get Zak's attention. It worked, and Zak walked over to the glass. Once he was close enough Clay held up 7 fingers and slowly and silently said, "Pick guard 7" Zak seemed a little nervous at first but he pushed that expression away and nodded. Darryl on the other hand was shaking his head clearly freaking out a little.

"Don't do it!" He rasped, "Don't pick it you muffin!" Darryl spoke. Zak walked up to where Darryl was and from what you could see, said he will be fine. Darryl looked at Zak and nodded. Zak then walked back towards the ring.

"What guard do you choose Zak?" The voice asked. You could see he said something but you couldn't hear it. However, you could hear what the voice said loud and clear.

"Guard 7 will be here momentarily."

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