Chapter 19

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Techoblade's pov. 

(Oooooo I'm switching it up. This will be the only time tho)

I had thought about what that girl had said to me. I thought those two words over and over again. She had every right to be angry at me, every right to yell at me for hurting her friend. But she just asked for help. At the moment she asked for help I was thrown off guard. She asked for my help. And now I'm sitting here thinking in my room since I had nothing else to do. They call it a room but it's more like a cell.

The room had a bed, a desk, and a throne-like chair on the back wall of the room. Because I was the first successful experiment I was treated like a king. Like I was the best person in the world.

I thought after the first experiment it would be over. I was trained and experimented with over and over again until I could barely recognize myself. My once brown hair is now a bright pink and my once small build can now tower over almost anyone I meet. I am their tool to fight their battles. They lock me up in here until I need to fight or practice. I get no choice in the matter.

In about 42 seconds guards will open the door to hand me some food. In 37 seconds I need to make a choice. In 32 seconds I must choose to help them or to stay here. In 26 seconds I will choose to fight or hold myself back. In 21 seconds I could go against the thing I have been working for my entire life. In 17 seconds I should stay where I'm at and not fight. In 13 seconds I won't go against what I'm taught. In 10 seconds what should I do?


Stay. They're probably dead by now.


Fight. What if they survived?


Stay. They can do this on their own.


Fight. Then why did she ask for me to help them?


Stay. I need to stay here.


Fight. I need to help them







'Help us'

3 men walked into the room. One of them was carrying a plate while the other two were his guards.

"Here is your food-" I jumped at them and slammed the guy who was talking into a wall knocking him out. The second guy who was holding the food got tripped by my foot and fell over. I picked him up by his head and also threw him at the wall. The third guy was hiding in a corner talking in his walkie talkie most likely alerting people of what was happening. I ran over to him grabbed the device and crushed it in my hands. Then I gave him a hard knee to the face and knocked him out. This was now going to be a lot harder with everyone now on my trail. I ran out of the room but not before grabbing a knife off of one of the guard's belts. I worked better with knives than with guns.

I bolted down a hallway being careful not to get spotted by guards. I could take them, but it would waste time and they could call backup. By now if the captives had survived they would be in the 7th test going into the 8th. Meaning that they're most likely in the eastern hall cell chamber. I ran around a corner only to be met with 6 level 4 guards. That fight would take way too long. I ran back the way I came from only to be met with more level 4 guards closing in on me. They had trapped me in a corner. One of them reached out to grab me and I quickly stabbed them in the arm. He aimed his gun at me but I shoved him away making the end point at the other guards before firing. The gun shot two of them but it wasn't enough. I fought multiple guards off before it became too much for me to handle. I may be the best but I can't fight off 15 guys with guns and armor with a knife no matter how good I am.

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