Chapter 12

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 "I'm sure he will," Clay quickly piped up, "These people wouldn't lie, that would be unfair to the tests." He said reassuringly.

"This isn't part of one of the tests! He stole that gun and now he could get shot for it!" Darryl said freaking out. Clay was going to step up and say something else when the speakers turned on again and Zak was shoved back into the room with the fighting ring. Niki was then shoved back into your room by a couple of guards. What is happening?

"We want you to all know we are serious during these tests. We do not like it when you disobey the rules. We did say there would be no punishment, so instead no one else will have to take this test, and you all pass. However, there will be a punishment for the thief." The voice echoed through the room. Zak yelled something on the other side of the glass that you were able to make out as, 'What punishment?!'

"Zak you will be forced to fight against our strongest fighter until one of you gets knocked out. You will not die so there is no need to truly worry." The voice answered. "This fighter has been undefeated in every fight they have participated in. This fighter is known for their strength and their remarkable strategy in fights. This fighter will make sure you are the one to lose this fight." The voice spoke, getting creeper as it continued.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no." Darryl shook his head back and forth. "I know who this is" You turned to look at Darryl with a confused face.

"Well, who is it?" George asked also confused.

Darryl looked up at George and then to everyone else in the group. "Technoblade," He said fear filling his voice. You didn't know who this man was, but with the look, you saw in Darryls eyes and the way the Voice described him, you knew that Zak was in trouble. You turned back to the glass just in time to see someone else enter the room. Unlike the rest, he was wearing a white button-up shirt tucked loosely into black pants which were tucked into black boots. He had long light pink hair and a pig mask that covered the upper half of his face. And the finale feature that made this guy just scream trouble was the golden crown sitting atop of his head. Overall, this guy looked terrifying. The two entered the ring just getting to the point. Zak was once again trying to look intimidating to scare his opponent. It wasn't working.

Technoblade began to either make fun of Zak or say something he didn't like because every moment Techno opened his mouth Zak got angrier.

"Are you two ready?" The voice chirped in interrupting their conversation. The two nodded, "Begin."

Zak quickly rushed at Technoblade wanting to end this fight quickly. The second Zak was about to hit him Technoblade moved over about 2 ft, making Zak hit the edge of the ring. From what you could see when that happened, this Techno guy said something like 'Not even close'. That just got Zak more riled up causing him to try and strike again. This time Techno grabbed his fist and twisted it around. Zak lost his balance and Technoblade quickly swept his feat making Zak fall to the ground. Zak quickly rolled out of the way before Techno could do anything. Zak stood up quickly and this time waited for Techno to come at him. Technoblade walked right up to him and aimed a punch at his face. Zak ducked to the side and just ended up getting kicked in the face. Zak this time aimed a punch at Techno but Techno just caught the punch and used his other arm to smack down on Zaks's elbow. Even though you couldn't hear it you could feel Zaks scream. You quickly averted your eyes when it happened. When you looked back Zak was on the ground getting not stop attacks from Technoblade. The worst part was that Techno didn't even look as if he was trying. Technoblade had some respect for the other though and backed up to see if he could actually get up. Techno just calmly said something that made Zak shake his head. Techno sighed and as soon as Zak stood up a hard punch in the face knocked him out.

"Technoblade has won. Zak will be healed up and then returned to your room. All of you take this as a lesson to not mess with us." You watched as the odd man rolled his eyes and hop out of the ring. Technoblade didn't seem to happy about winning and was clearly in a bad mood for something. However, that didn't stop you from what you were about to do next. You as hard as you could banged your hands on the glass. Everyone looked at you with confused looks but you ignored them. Finally, the pigman turned around and noticed you. He tilted his head in confusion while you just made a gesture for him to come over. He slowly walked up to the glass still visibly annoyed. You looked him right in the eye and slowly mouthed 'help us'. His eye went wide for a second and you guessed he wasn't expecting that. His expression softened and you watched his eyes look around the room at the others. "Technoblade, stop interacting with the captives, and come back to the training room." The voice said over the speakers. He looked at you one more time and walked away.

"What was that?" Emma asked you also looking out the glass.

"I'm not sure." You spoke softly. "But I think he might be able to help us."

"Why would he help us?" Clay joined in, "He has no reason to betray this group or whatever. He is clearly treated like a god, so why would he throw that away? Plus I have a very bad feeling about him." Clay said sounding angry.

"We don't know if he has a reason to betray them. He also seemed to have a look of remorse when looking at us." You said trying to justify yourself.

"Remorse? Look what he did to Zak!" Clay yelled. You looked through the glass and saw Zak getting carried away by some people. He had a large bruise on his face slowly growing and a bloody nose. You could also tell that he had some sort of injury in his elbow from Techno twisting his arm. You stayed silent. How were you supposed to respond to that? You knew that saying the wrong thing would cause a lot of trouble so staying silent seemed better.

You looked around the group and you could see all the pain there was going on. You could see Wilbur's guilt for Zak getting hurt. You could see Niki's worry for her friend unable to think of anything to make him feel better. You could see Darryl's fear for his friend. You could see Clay's anger at Techno for hurting Zak. You could see Emma's stress. Then you saw George. He was pretty similar to you right now. Both of you were lost in trying to help everyone. George was a little quieter but he was also caught in this confusion. He made eye contact with you and you gave him a little nod. He gave you a nod as well. You didn't know but that nod gave him the courage to speak up.

"Technoblade could have been forced to fight Zak. For example, I don't think any of you chose to be a part of this mess." George said making a point. "Well other than you and Zak," He said looking at Darryl. "Even then I think you rather not participate in these tests. I also think that we should take a chance. If he ends up helping us we could escape from here!"

"Exactly!" You said joining in.

"I don't think this will work, I'm sorry," Clay spoke very much against the idea.

"Why?" You said curious what his reasoning was.

"BECAUSE IT WON'T! We have NO way to contact him! We don't know if he will say yes or no and if he says no we could be KILLED! We have NO reason to trust him either! You can do what you want but I really don't believe it will work."

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