Chapter 3

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                Panic quickly sets in as now this becomes real. This was really happening, and if you did nothing people would die. Others are confused as well because of how sudden this was, but they knew they didn't have time to waste. Looking around you see the others stand up quickly to start looking for clues. You stand up to help them with the search around the room when you notice that the lights are flickering. They weren't flickering before, so that's why it caught your attention. Wondering if it's a clue you look at it a little more closely. Staring at it a little longer you realize that the flickering isn't random, it's in a pattern. Then your eyes go wide as you realize that it's morse code. ...-- . -It flickered that exact pattern before repeating it again. You know morse code, but not that well so it took you a second to decipher it. 3 E, You read in your head.  The number must stand for the order it goes in! The third letter is E!

                "3 E!" You say out loud so the rest of the people can hear you. Wilbur, or what you like to call him, Beanie man, turns to you confused, so you quickly explain. "The lights are flickering 3 E in morse code!" You say, clearing things up, then you ran over to the keypad on the door and switched the third space to E. You heard a little beep that sounded like you got it right. "Ok! We got one letter down!" You yell to the rest of the group before getting back to work. You see a couple of nods and hear a couple of good jobs, but everyone was mostly focused on their work, and ya know, not dying. Looking around you see a group of 2 people who are working together, trying to solve something you can't see. Looking closer you see it's weird glasses, George, and the beenie man, Wilbur. They were clearly struggling to understand something, so you decided to go over there to try and help. You got closer and saw that they were looking at a small piece of paper that had nothing on it. Just blank printer paper cut into the shape of a square.

                "Do you think this is just something to throw us off?" George asks no one in particular.

                "I don't think that they would do that." You respond."It looks too serious to be some kind of trick. Do you think the paper will react to something like water?" You ask back at George. Suddenly Wilbur gasps and grabs the paper from George's hands.

                "Hey what are you doing?" George asks, confused. Wilbur ignores him and holds the small sheet up to the light. You could now see that the light has shown through almost all of the paper except on one part. The part which the light couldn't shine through was shaped like the number 1 and the letter X. You were happy that Wilbur found it, but it seemed weird to you that the light would need to be used again to solve something.

                "1 X!" Wilbur calls out before running over to the door. A few seconds later, a "4 T" Was called out by Clay who also went to the door to enter it. The two more beeps were heard and everyone was now looking for the last clue. Seeing as Clay had solved one you had gone over to him about how he solved the clue. This answer could be a big help. You say to yourself. Walking up to him you saw he was looking for the last clue but hadn't found anything yet. You tapped him on the shoulder and watched as he quickly turned around.

                "Hey um Clay is it? I have a question, how did you solve that clue?" You ask him, trying your best to get straight to the point because there was no time to waste.

               "Oh," He said, a little surprised, "Niki and I saw a small reflective part in one of the tiles catching the light. The light that was reflected was pointing at something so we followed it and saw barley carved into another tile, '4 T'" He answered, before coming up with a question of his own, "Why do you ask?"

                "Well, then what you say proves my theory right. Every clue in this room is related to the light!" You said excitedly. "So the next clue must involve the light as well. Knowing that will help us solve it quicker." You said a little proud of yourself for figuring that out.

                "Yeah, your right." Clay said, "I'll keep that in mind when looking for the next clue." He said then continued searching. You then start to search around the room when the crackling of the speaker turning on could be heard.

                "5 minutes remaining." It said once again in that cold voice before turning off. You would have liked it better if it didn't tell you how many minutes you had remaining. Now you were super stressed about finding that last clue. Did I waste all that time trying to figure that connection out? You ask yourself, but you know it's dumb to think like that. That connection will help you figure out the next clue! You were frantically searching every corner in the room before you heard a "Found it!" Turning you see Zak looking at something on the wall.

                "There is something jammed inside this tile!" He said while trying to pull it out. Emma then ran over and asked to give it a go. He moved out of the way letting her give a go at it. She gripped the small edge of the metal that was sticking out of the wall and tried pulling it out. It was pretty stuck, and she didn't want it to break, so she had to be careful. Emma then began shifting the sheet of metal back and forth in hopes to get it free from the tile. No luck. The metal was stuck in there good. How is pulling it out of the tile related to the light? This can't be the right way to solve it.  Your mind wandered trying to think of a way the light would help. Then you thought of something.

                "Darryl, give me your glasses!" You practically yelled.

                He gave you a questioning look but still passed you his glasses. You take the glasses from his hand quickly and aim them towards the light.

                "One minute remaining" The voice chirped back in. Trying to shift the metal out as fast as she could, now Emma clearly had begun to panic. Really trying to get that last letter, she pulled with all her might, still with no luck.

                "Emma I need you to move out of the way!" You yell at her. Emma turns around and looks at you. Her eyes went wide for a second in the realization of what you were trying to do. She then nods and moves out of the way. Catching the light from the bulb hanging from the ceiling, you direct it towards the metal and instantly see smoke. Something that was in the metal did not have a good reaction with the heat, causing it to fall out of the wall almost instantly and onto the ground. Emma picked it up and read what it had carved in it.

                "2 B!" Emma basically screamed as we all ran towards the door, ready to leave as soon as it opened. Niki who was standing by the door quickly typed it in and unlocked the door. We all ushered each other out of the room and Niki slammed the door close behind us.

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