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The school bell rang, indicating the end of classes. Before the teacher could bid his farewell, Mona sprinted her way out of the classroom until she reached the school grounds.

She looked around and when she couldn't see who she was looking for, she made her way on to the school's track field. 

By the benches, she saw Taehyung who had a goofy grin. She quickly went to where he was and sat beside him. But before any of them could say anything, Mona slapped Taehyung's arm.

"Owww!!!" - Taehyung

"You skipped classes again!"

"So??? They were boring!!!"

"And then you complain about low grades, wow! Just, wow!"

They continued bickering until they were tired of it. They went to the cafeteria to buy food for themselves.

Along the way, they came across Yoongi and they greeted each other. They didn't want to go home yet so Yoongi decided that they can sit with him on a table in the cafeteria.

"Since I'm bored and you guys are also bored, let's ask random questions to one another. Anything we want to know," Yoongi said.

Mona thought that it would be interesting since she could tease Taehyung in the process.

"I'm in!" Mona said.

"I'mma have to join, too."

"Okay so, I get to be the one to ask a question first since I was the one who thought about this," Yoongi started and Mona nodded to make him continue. "How long have you guys known each other?"

"Since we were kids? Mona got a crush on me before so she followed me around," Taehyung answered which earned him a slap on his shoulder.

"Owww! You're always so violent, Mona. I'm telling your mom about this," Taehyung whined.

Yoongi chuckled at them and mumbled, "interesting."

Mona glared at Taehyung, "No, actually... it was Taehyung who liked me and followed me around."

Taehyung disagreed on what Mona said so they bickered again, and in front of Yoongi who only slowly grabbed his notebook and a pen and started writing.

Their argument lasted for about 10 minutes before they got hungry again so Taehyung went to order food for them. They're quite the big eaters.

"I'm sorry you had to see and hear all that," Mona apologized to Yoongi.

Yoongi smiled at her, "it's fine, it was entertaining, to be honest."

"So what are you writing?"

"Oh, story ideas," Yoongi replied without looking up to meet her eyes.

"Story ideas? Oh right, I heard about your works. I haven't read them since I'm not really into reading stuff but Taehyung mentioned about you being an author before."

"Really? He did? I kind of forced him to read my books. Did he comment anything bad about my works?" Yoongi asked her.

"Well, he actually likes your stories. He'd sometimes tell me about them since he could get really into what he reads."

"That's flattering."

"So I guess you just had a new story idea considering how you're writing right now?"

That's when Yoongi paused to look at her with a smile, "actually, I got this idea from you and Taehyung."

Mona must've showed a confused face for Yoongi to laugh a bit before explaining further, "Correct me if I'm wrong but, you and Taehyung... I think you both like each other a lot."

Mona blushed but didn't say anything.

"As I was saying, I came up with a story idea inspired by you two because I have to write a romance piece this time. I have no experience on that field so I guess your relationship works as my research," Yoongi said.

"Oh, okay. I'm glad that we inspired you?" Mona doesn't know what to really say about that. It feels nice that someone else see them as a couple, as two people who like each other a lot.

Two months ago... Mona and Taehyung actually confessed to one another on Valentine's Day. But they decided that they won't be in a romantic relationship for now.

As much as they love each other romantically, they also wanted to focus on school although Taehyung and academics don't really fit well since Taehyung would sometimes skip classes if he's bored. But he excells in music and sports which he can showcase in school.

They also wanted to be just friends at the moment. Right now, they're best friends who are aware of the romantic feelings they have for one another.

They will get there someday. They will be lovers and they know it. They just have to wait until they're both older and more mature.

Taehyung finished ordering their food and went back to their table to sit beside Mona.

They started talking about something, almost forgetting that Yoongi was there with them but Yoongi didn't mind.

Yoongi felt warm that he's witnessing two people so in love with one another that he thought that it would be nice to maybe have the same type of romamce someday.

A few minutes later, Yoongi didn't notice that he was so engrossed on his current progress. The sky was slowly turning dark and Mona fell asleep beside Taehyung while Taehyung was drawing... Mona's sleeping figure?

Yoongi thought that it's really cute of them to be this way.

He tapped Taehyung's arm and whispered goodbye. Taehyung did the same.

He was happy that he finally had ideas and chose the right people as his inspiration.

Back in the school cafeteria, Mona was still asleep. She's a heavy sleeper so Taehyung didn't have a problem carrying her in a piggy back manner. He didn't want her to wake up.

They went home looking like that.

Their parents also know about them and they also knew about how they want to stay as friends for now which made them proud and eager to see their future as lovers. So Mona's mom didn't mind that Taehyung would sometimes stay over at their house and vice versa.

Taehyung reached Mona's room and gently placed her on her bed. He's quite tired for the day so he decided to lay down beside Mona.

Before sleeping, he kissed Mona's forehead and whispered, "Sleep well, my love"

— end

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