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The school year is about to end and Emerald has to to at least have passing scores in some of her academic activities.

She's the type who goes with the flow and doesn't care much about her grades.

Well, she actually cares about her grades but she's not passionate about it.

Her goal in every academic activity is to avoid failure. Any score or results will do as long as she won't fail.

With average knowledge on things, she's quite confident about not having failing marks.

The school bell rang, indicating that the school day has ended. Before she went out, Ms. Han, their Science teacher called her.

'Oh no'

She has a bad feeling about it and she's right,

"You failed a test from my subject. And I heard from your Math and English teacher that you failed one or two from them, too."

Emerald looked down and felt disappointed in herself.

She's been struggling with Science and Math, affecting her English. Ever since she got confused with one step in the topic, her mind led her astray and completely didn't understand anything about the topic anymore.

With that, she barely passed her Science and Math assignments on time which resulted to...

Late submission of her English assignments.

She convinced herself that she's good in that subject but even with her skills, with so much essays to make, it took her time and trying to understand Science and Math gave her head aches. And so, she wasn't able to pass on time which resulted to deduction of points.

"You can still gain extra points to pass," Ms. Han said.

Emerald immediately felt like she needed that opportunity. After all, she wanted to graduate and make her parents proud.


Ms. Han smiled before answering, "It might be quite difficult but I just felt like you could do it, so I will suggest something."

Emerald nodded, letting the teacher continue.

"You can participate in the annual play. You like theater arts, right?"

Emerald stopped for a moment and thought about it. She does participate in plays as she had plans on becoming an actress in the future but she doesn't like the school plays. She thinks that they're cringe and disorganized. She goes for ones that her family friends take part on.

"I'm not forcing you but it's a rule that you'd get plus points on all of your subjects if you participate in it. Plus, I've heard that you're quite good in acting. But let's see." - Ms. Han

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