i hate you, not

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Hi. My name's Song Hyeon Ri. Came from a rich family and I study in Bighit Academy, where I met my bestfriends, best teachers and all that.

I've been an honor student since my gradeschool years. And no one should ever take my spot as the top student.

No one

So how dare he take my place away from me?- My spotlight.

I hate him. I hate Taehyung so so so so much.

I so badly want to punch his smug face across the table right now.

"Hey HyeonRi, are you listening?" my friend asked.

I snapped out of my murder imagination. "Oh, I'm sorry, what?" I asked.

"I heard that you have the same score as that Taehyung again." she said

"Yeah, tell me about it." I replied.

The score was announced a while ago. Taehyung and I are classmates. Unfortunately, he's also my seatmate. Ugh. If I know, he only copied my answers.

Nah, never saw him acting so suspiciously tho

But what if he actually did cheat? He's the school owner's son after all. He could threaten the teachers to give him the answer keys and everything else.

Not saying that I'm judging him and thinking that he's a bad person, which, he really is. Okay, he might be is.

I didn't notice that I was in deep thought about this academic stuff and my grades rivalry with Taehyung, not until the bell rang.


I stood up and my friends and I separated ways to go to our classrooms.

Taehyung was right behind me when we were on our way to the classroom.

"Oh, look who's here. Song HyeonRi." I heard Taehyung say.

"Don't talk to me. You irritate me." I replied without looking back at him.

He only chuckled and damn that was... Irritating

and kind of hot... and cute...

I rolled my eyes at my own thoughts. Like, eww

"You know what? I don't think having the same score was a coincidence. I didn't know that you cheat." He said which only irritated me even more.

I looked back at him and I must've looked very angry because it made him laugh... He likes it when I'm mad. Which was always exasperating.

"What the hell?! You're accusing me of your doing!" I said angrily.

But the next subject teacher was already there and stopped us from attacking each other.

As we sat, the teacher started talking about the topic for today. Not long after, he distributed the test results of last week's test.

Once I received my paper, I got back to my seat and looked at my score. Surprisingly, I've got 7 mistakes. My brows furrowed and one thing's for sure... I can't accept this.

I raised my hand to indicate that I have something to complain about but then,

"Mr. Seung!" I heard Taehyung say.

Our teacher looked at him and gave him a questioning look.

"Item number thirty-two is a 5-point portion and I'm confident that I got the answer right. So how is this wrong?" He asked.

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