doesn't matter

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It was on the week before high school will end. The classes had just ended.

While walking on the hallways, I thought about all the things I went through.

Tough situations. Sad moments. Happy moments. Friends. Teachers. Classmates. And last but not the least, Taehyung. Kim Taehyung.

He's my best friend.

We like each other. A lot. More than friends.

But all I gave him was friendship. Not a girlfriend or boyfriend relationship.

There were reasons why.

And there's this specific reason why I can't be in a more than friends relationship with him.

I'm scared. And I'm not ready.

He knows a lot about me. But what he doesn't know is... My family background.

Yes, the school where I am studying now is a private school. But I was just a scholar.

That number one fact was kept a secret from Taehyung.

He's very rich. Extremely wealthy.

I encountered his parents and they were really intimidating. High class, formal, looks rich, etc. This is why it's really a big deal for me. Because the family is also the key to relationships.

Call me a coward or anything.

But I'm really scared of his parents.

'What ifs' delusions are what I had always thought ever since on the time I thought twice about saying yes to be in a relationship with Taehyung.


"Ya, JaeHee Choi!"

I snapped out of my thoughts as I hear someone call my name.

It was Jungkook.

He's my childhood friend but we aren't really that close now. He knows about my family background and he never told Taehyung about it, although they were also close friends because I asked a favor to him on not to tell.

"Hmm?" I replied.

"Are you really not going to tell Taehyung about you? You know that he really likes you, right?" Jungkook asked.

He's playing the cupid between me and Taehyung. It's obvious because he teases the both of us whenever he had to.

He even happened to tease Taehyung and I in front of his parents. I didn't know what to do after that. I also got scared to the fact that I know Taehyung's parents heard it but still managed to have a poker face.

Aurgh, memories...

"I'm not really sure now. This is a difficult decision, Jungkook." I replied to his question.

"There's not much time left, JaeHee. That decision may be very difficult. But you have to make a choice to have a possibility. A wise decision with no regrets." Jungkook said.

He has a point there.

"Thank you for the encouragement, Jungkook."


I ran towards my classroom since Taehyung and I are classmates.

When I reached there... He was talking to SoYoung. He seems to be happy in that conversation.

SoYoung is well known in campus. She's rich, kind, friendly, and pretty.

It's not that I don't like her but, I don't like what I'm seeing right now.

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