how about me

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Ali met Taehyung on the first day of school in 8th grade. Since then, she got close to him and his friends, together with two other girls, Sofie and Blaire.

She couldn't deny the fact that she likes him especially now that she she has liked him for 3 years.

It was only friendship at first but evetually, it developed.

Yes, Taehyung is handsome, kind, talented, and all but Ali really just saw him as a friend at first.

It all started when she got so used to Taehyung that it made her think about many possibilities.

One time, she thought about the possibility of not having Taehyung by her side. She cried thinking about it and realized how important Taehyung was in her life.

She's in this group of friends yet it was Taehyung that she's very close with.

Both Ali and Taehyung went through things without their other friends. They both shared secrets that the others didn't know.

She appreciates and loves her friends very much but she could say that her feelings for Taehyung isn't about a friend only.

It's their senior year now and as they were walking towards the cafeteria, Blaire showed up and wrapped her hands around Ali.

"Just a little bit more and we'll finally have a break from school!" Sofie said who also showed up out of nowhere and wrapped her arms around me on my other side.

They're on their lunch time and as always, the two girls talked about things she didn't understand. It's like the two are having their own world even though she's in between them.

She just laughed when they laughed...

On the entrance, the boys, "BTS" came together and greeted the girls.

As usual, Ali, Sofie and Blaire earned glares from the girls in the cafeteria since their boy friends are popular.

But they got used to it and ignored them.

They went to their usual place and Jungkook, Seokjin, Namjoon, and Taehyung offered to order their food for them.

The guys teased them for being gentlemen and the four guys just gave the group a goofy grin.

"Oh no, let me help," Sofie said.

"No, no, no, it's really okay." - Taehyung

Ali heard Blaire scoff. "Right, let the Mr. Manly Man do it," she said.

The whole group looked at her.

"Oh yeah?" - Taehyung

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" Hoseok chanted with a grin.

Yoongi looked at the two expectantly with a calm face but Ali knows he's enjoying this.

Blaire and Taehyung would always argue on things for some reason. Blaire would start it always.

She would also start an argument to the other guys but recently, it was Taehyung.

"How about you order for all of us, Taehyung?" Blaire said.

"What are you mad for?" Taehyung asked.

Blaire just glared at him.

Seokjin laughed at this and sent Namjoon a knowing look.

"Calm down, guys, you're like a cat and a dog. I wouldn't be surprised if you both will end up together." - Namjoon

ouch , Ali thought

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