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old cover ^^^


Isabelle's POV

Today's the first day of school and I'm on my way to meet with my friend, Josie to go with her to school.

Josie's a sweetheart and she's bisexual. We really get along on so many things. Which is why we are best friends.

We talked about how our summer went and she ranted about her girlfriend- now an ex about how she cheated on her.

Must've been awful.

I can't really tell, myself because I haven't been in a relationship before. I don't think I would ever fall in love with someone.

But seeing, witnessing how it breaks other people scares me. Made me lose my interest.

Sure, people would say that falling in love has its ups and downs, saying that every feelings and experiences are worth it, but I don't really think that I'm interested.

When we arrived in school, the students went to chat with their friends, probably seeing each other again in a very long time.

Josie and I are classmates and on our way to our classroom, I bumped into someone.

"Oww." - Me

"Watch where you're going!"

I looked up to see that it was Yoongi. He's this person in school who's silent most of the time but when he speaks, he could really express a lot of things with different words. He's chill most of the time but when he gets pissed, it's scary.

"I'm sorry," I apologized.

But he just glared at me.

"Hey, man, she said sorry already. At least that bump woke you up," one of his close friends, Taehyung said.

Yoongi only grunted and walked away, leaving us behind- including Taehyung.

"I'm sorry for that," he said to me.

Josie and I made eye contact, having this eye conversation.

'Woah' is what Josie's eyes are saying.

"It's okay, we really weren't watching where we're going," I replied.

Taehyung chuckled and waved his hand and turned his back on us, following where Yoongi went.

"Oh.. My.. Gosh, sis!" Josie squealed.


"That was kindness, fresh from The Great Taehyung! In the flesh!"

I frowned, "so?"

"Don't 'so?' me. He literally has girls falling for him because he's such a gentleman. A kind person."

It made me think for a while. Taehyung, really is a kind person.

But we never know. It may be some mask that he put on. Maybe he has some sort of agenda. Maybe he does good deeds for reputation. Maybe he's kind because a lot of peple are watching.

I shrugged at Josie and continued walking towards our classroom.

When we reached our classroom for the first subject, Josie started talking about having another partner and mentioned names.

"You're never gonna want a romantic relationship, do you?" Josie suddenly asked me.

It surprised me a bit but I composed myself. She knows that I'm not into that stuff.

"You know why i don't."

"Yeah, I do. But still, not everyone's love life would end up the same as what happened to mine."

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