3. I'm not crying! My eyes are simply drooling!

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Everything was over before you could even react. All you had seen was Gojo's hand as he impales through Haruto's abdomen as he coughed out blood.

He slowly pulled out his hand, as his other one held him. He glanced at you before looking back at Haruto.

"I can fix his body but who knows if I can revive him." He stated, kneeling down as he gently places him down on the ground. You walked towards the two, "Please do so..."

"Then come here."

You didn't even ask why but you just followed his instruction. He placed his hand near you and the other on your brother. You can't feel anything but as you can see, the wound on his stomach is slowly healing. 'But... Is he going to live...?'

Gojo pulled his hand away, "It's done."

He distanced himself a little bit and gave the two of you space while he took out his phone to call the others.

You brushed off Haruto's bangs to the side, "Ah... Why did you even bring that thing with you?" You sigh. "Found it in my locker... It kinda bothered me to see it there so I brought I home with me..."

You blinked, you've noticed that Gojo was also surprised behind you.

"What, you're still alive?" You chuckle. "Hey, did you wanted me to die or something?" He deadpans, trying to stand up but failed. "Crap, my body hurts like hell..."

You covered his eyes, "Then don't say anything or move." Silence engulfed both of you.

"I'm not gonna die... Before I see you live like a normal person instead of acting like a weirdo." He said, you could hear his breathing getting haggard as he spoke. "But sorry. I'll probably... Be out for a while..."

"I told you not to speak, didn't I?" You clicked your tongue as you lower your head. "And stop calling me a weirdo already, will you? I act like a normal person too." He chuckles, "No matter how many times I see you, you clearly don't act normally..."

"Hey... Since I'll probably be gone for a while... Don't fight anyone or... Get yourself in trouble. Graduate in middle school already and go to highschool. Get a job and live normally..."

"I told you to stop talking, didn't I? So stop already."

"No, you. Let me finish at least, I'm trying not to..." He coughed, "Not to pass out here so at least appreciate my effort, will you...?" You sigh, "Just pass out already, you're too noisy."

"Damn it, what kind of sister are you to say that?" You could hear a muffled chuckle coming from Haruto. "Just take care for a while, alright...?" And he suddenly went silent. You pulled your hand from his eyes and stared at him.

With the moonlight shining on his face, he looked peaceful than ever. "Ah finally..." You glanced at Gojo. "The finger... Do you have it?" You asked.

He pulled out his hand from his pocket and opened his hand. "Yeah, I got it. I'll be giving this to the higher-ups later." He placed it inside his pocket again and looked at Haruto and then back at you.

"Your brother's pretty awesome. Normally, people would've died immediately but he didn't." You sigh, "Please don't go assuming that he's dead. He's merely unconscious." He grins, "then that's even more awesome!"

You blink. "Well, he's my brother, after all." You smiled.

Gojo smiled, "I think it's fine if you cry now. No need to act tough, your brother is not looking." You chuckle, "What are you talking abou-"

He patted your head. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone." You didn't even realize that you were crying until he patted your head. You bit your lip, "Listen here, I'm not crying! My eyes are simply drooling!"

He laughs, "That sounds gross, not gonna lie."

Despite what you had said, you continued sobbing silently in the middle of the night. 'Forgive me, Haruto...' you shut your eyes close.


Gojo sighs, unwrapping the bandages around his eyes as he stares at you, unconscious as you lay your head on his lap. His hand slowly reaches out your hair, 'It felt soft when I patted it earlier too.' he sighs again.

"Ah. Those guys are taking too long..."


You opened your eyes.

The moment you did, you realized the painful pain brought to you by your hand and feet. You wince in pain as you shut your eyes close once more. "So it wasn't a dream..."

Once again, you opened your eyes. What greeted you was not the usual ceiling you see every day whenever you wake up. Though, you do recognize it. It belongs to a hospital.

You sigh and sat properly. Your hand is covered with bandages as well as your ankle. 'I'm normally not this careless to hurt myself to this degree though...' You looked outside the glassed window. It's already night.

'Is it still the same day or not...?' you rolled your eyes, "Does it even matter though?"

Gently, you get up from the bed and went towards the window. You opened it by sliding it to the side. The cold breeze of the night enters the room, immediately cooling the air inside. "Seriously... What the hell is happening in my life...?"

"Well, the moment you started seeing curses, everything in your life will change."

You flinched and almost smashed the window's glasses to pieces in surprise. "Holy sh-" you stopped yourself from cursing after seeing who was the cause of your unfamiliar actions. "When the hell did you come in?!"

Gojo laughs, "I've been here since you woke up. I'm pretty surprised you didn't notice me, I'm literally sitting beside your bed." He laughs again.

"No seriously, you weren't there."

"No, I was." He grinned.

Both of you went silent inside the hospital room.

You sigh. "What are you even doing here? Besides, you shouldn't enter someone else's room without any permission." You closed the window and went back to the bed. "Of course, as your teacher, I have the responsibility to visit you."

You sat on the soft mattress of the bed. "Did I told you that I was going to transfer?" You deadpanned. "My brother wants me to live normally so-"

"If you're going to continue keeping a blind eye to this, you'll only suffer like how you did last time."

You turned to look at him. "And who said I suffered? I merely..." you clicked your tongue and looked away. He sighs, "I would've believed you if only you didn't cry yesterday." You flinched, "H-Hey! Forget about that!" Your face went red in embarrassment.

"Looks like you have a problem with crying in front of the others." he laughs, "Don't worry, I won't tell a single soul about that."

You lowered your head, "So I've been asleep for a full day, huh? I didn't even sustain any damage to make me sleep that long." you looked at your hand. "Well, when I went to your school, I've noticed that you were already exhausted from using your cursed technique too much." he answered.

A chuckle escapes your lips, "If transfer school, that would also mean that I would face more and much stronger curse. Why would I bother doing that? If people die because of those monsters... Do you think I would care? I don't know them and they don't know me."

"Then what if someone precious to you is the next victim of a curse?" he asked, tilting his head. "I only have Haruto and..."

You closed your eyes and shake your head, denying something. "I only have him."

Gojo Satoru, sighs before chuckling, "Arent ya pretty cruel?" you rolled your eyes, "Oh really?"

"But you know, the way you act right now makes me want to see you risking your life to save the others." he smiled.

You blankly stared at him.

"If..." you bit your lip, hesitating. You took a deep breath, "If you're that desperate..."

Published: January 9, 2021

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