18. Your mind is pure, isn't that cute?

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shibuya incident arc, heh.


"Hey, [First Name]?"

You turned off your phone and glanced at Gojo, "Yes?" Gojo pointed both of his index fingers at each other and looked at you with his 'innocent eyes'.

"Can I kiss you right now?"

You stared at him for a moment, leaving him in that awkward position. You grabbed the blindfold from his hands, "Bend down a bit, Satoru..."

He sighed disappointedly but still pleased by the fact that you had called him by using his given name. He did bend down, allowing you to reach him. You placed his blindfold back at his head, leaving both of your hands cupping his cheeks. With a flustered expression, you planted a quick kiss on his lips and let go of him immediately.

Gojo stopped, tilting his head. "Just now..." He looked at you through the blindfold, "That's what I did the first time I kissed you, right?" You could see that his mood brightened up. Your face reddens, "Y-You still remember that...?"

He placed his hand on top of your head, laughing heartily. "Why would I forget something important like that?" He paused, you can see the smirk on his lips that just formed.

"By the way, kissing you and being kissed by you is a completely different thing, [First Name]."

You flinched, averting your gaze from him. "A kiss is a kiss, there's no differe-"

Gojo leans down to you, placing his lips against yours while holding on to the railing that you were leaning on, interrupting you. After pulling away, he grinned, "What were you saying again?"

Your face was burning up once again in embarrassment, you could only lower your head. Gojo chuckled which turned into a laugh next, "Ah, that reaction is adorable. I will never mind seeing that every day." he distances himself, and started patting you again. Though you did like his hands on your head, you sighed.

"I feel like a pet now. A dog, to be exact."

"Wanna be a dog in bed too?"

Once again, blush sprawled all over your face and tried to punch the man in front of you but with his infinity, it was pointless. "You seriously need to stop saying those kinds of stuff!" He couldn't help but laugh uncontrollably,

"Your mind is pure, isn't that cute?"

Gojo cupped your cheeks before planting a small kiss on your forehead, "You're so precious, [First Name]." You closed your eyes, clenching your fists as you try your best to calm yourself down. "I-"

You weren't even given the chance to speak when he wrapped his arms around you, embracing you. "Kinda lost my mood to enter the curtain now. Wanna go eat in a restaurant or something?"

You chuckled softly against his chest, wrapping your arms around him as well. "You're just going to let my kouhais die there? I'm going to hate you."

"Hate me, you? I doubt that."

"Nah, I would. I like my kouhais."

"Oh well... If you put it that way, I'll have no choice but to do the job. Of course, my other students are precious to me too. You're still my favorite though."

"... I'm no longer your student, how many times do I have to tell you...?"

"Okay then, 'babe'."

You lightly punched him, "I don't like those kinds of nicknames so please stop."

"Why not, do you like it that much when I call you by your name? [First Name], [First Name], [First Name]."

You sigh, letting go of him. "Alright, let's stop this and-"

"Hey, you're blushing! I knew it, you love being called by your name!" He beamed. You hid your face with your hand, "I'm not and I don't."

"[First Name], [First Name], [First Na-]"

With your other hand, you covered his lips and stopped him. "Seriously... Stop it."

You pulled your hand from him though, he grabbed it with both of his hands, "Yep, you're embarassed right now. Seems like I learned something new about you today." He smiled. You looked at him before looking away with a flustered expression. "Yeah sure..."

Gojo brought your hand up to his lips, planting a kiss which made you flinch, not expecting that from him.

"I still have a lot to learn about you, don't I? It's been three years since we met already but I only know about the obvious stuff about you." He said.

The tone in his voice was something you don't recognize, this is the first time he spoke like this. You looked at him briefly before you focused your gaze on your hand which he was caressing gently.

"I also want to learn a lot about you. You're too unpredictable so I can never figure you out."

Gojo's phone rang inside his pocket, which made a frown making its way up to his lips, disappointed by the interruption. He took out his phone and sighs. Though, his frown turned into a grin as soon as he placed his gaze back at you.

"After this, let's visit Yuta. The last time I went there, he said that he missed you, not to mention when I said that I'll confess first, he was pretty enthusiastic about it." Your face went red, "W-Wait, you told him?!"

He laughs, patting your head comfortably. "Of course."

"It would be so awkward when we meet but yeah, I missed the boy too." You couldn't help but sigh.

"It's time for you to go inside, right?" You asked.

"Yep. Ijichi just sent me a message."

You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath before opening them again. "Come back soon, I'll prepare breakfast tomorrow morning if we get to go back early.'

He laughs, "Now that's something I should look forward to. You're strong, [First Name] so you'll be fine. Just wait and I'll come back to you completely unscathed as always!" He grinned.

"It would be nice if you lessen your arrogance but alright. You're pretty much overpowered so it's not like I have anything to be worried of." You chuckle. Gojo turned around, showing you a peace sign.

"Gonna go now, if I want to eat your breakfast tomorrow I'll have to finish this early, don't I?"

"Yeah. As I said, I don't have anything to worry about but, take care, alright?"

He glanced at you, pulling his blindfold a bit, "It's alright, I'm the strongest."

✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩

Alright, I'm pretty much half-asleep while writing this. It's midnight, so my writing is a bit messy. I want to update on time so yeah! I'll rewrite this later and fix the mistakes.

btw, I feel like most of the readers here are horni! i'll bonk you!

Ah, to be stepped on by Gojo Satoru 😳

Published: March 24, 2021

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