8. I wanna kiss her.

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You stared at Gojo who is currently choosing whatever drink to buy in the vending machine as you sat on a nearby bench. Both of you are not home yet, you're in a park actually.

The only street light that provided you light is already flickering while bugs circles around the bulb of it. 'This is kind of scary though...' you sigh.

"Yuji-kun is alive, isn't he?" you covered your lips with your hand as you yawn lightly and closing your eyes, leaning your back on the bench. A small unnoticeable smile forms on his lips before looking back at you. "Are you sleepy already?" he asked, finally chose something, and heads back to you. "Don't avoid my question like that, sensei." but you nod anyway in response to his question while he sat beside you.

He handed you a random drink, "Well then, how did you know?"

You opened the can, "I just considered that Sukuna might form a pact with him... But seriously, there's no reason for him to do it but there's a small chance." you opened your eyes before drinking the drink and then just glanced at the dark sky. There are no visible scars at all.

All of a sudden, Gojo started patting you which startled you and made you jerk away from him. "W-What?" you questioned while staring at him confusedly. He looks quite happy and proud though. "I mean, just three years ago, you don't even know anything about sorcerers and curses but now you're talking about pacts. I'm so happy that you've learned so many things, is it perhaps because I taught you?" what he said is true, except for the last part.

But still, you really did learn a lot after transferring schools. What they teach is only about curses and jujutsu, nothing about what highschoolers normally study so you have to attend a cramming school until your second year. "I probably won't need these kinds of knowledge after graduating though..." you mutter. Gojo stopped staring at you and looked forward.

"Well, wanna visit Yuji?"


You let go of Gojo's hand, seeing that you have already arrived with him. You looked around and immediately recognized the place. You went here multiple times already for training purposes as well. Yuji is sitting on the couch and didn't even notice both of you.

Subconsciously, a smile formed on your lips. 'Megumi-kun and Kugisaki-chan will be happy if they find out about this...' you softly chuckle before walking forward towards the sofa. You stood behind him yet he didn't even notice your presence yet.


The boy flinched and looked like his soul is about to leave his body. He immediately turns around after recognizing your voice. "[First Name]-senpai and Gojo-sensei? What are you two doing here?" He asked curiously but the cursed doll he was holding punched him.

You couldn't help but chuckle and Gojo answered instead. "She found out that you're alive so I just brought her here. Now you have another person to talk to!" He beamed. Yuji's eyes lightened up joyfully, "Thank you for coming here, senpai!" He exclaims.

"I have a lot of free time these days so I'll visit often," you glanced at Gojo who looked at you confusedly. "I'll frequently tell you what the other two are doing." You continued. "Is Fushiguro all right now? I think Sukuna beat him up badly when I couldn't control my body." He said.

You nod as a response, "He's recovering pretty well but..." You recalled Megumi's expression last time when he was in the infirmary. "There's no need to worry though. Kugisaki-chan is also safe." You added.

Yuji smiled, lowering his head. "That's a relief then."

'Ahh! I have a precious kouhai now!'

𝐒𝐎𝐅𝐓 𝐒𝐏𝐎𝐓━━━G. SatoruWhere stories live. Discover now