16. Ah, so adorable. Good girl, good girl.

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"So Satoru-sensei, why did you call for me in the first place?" you asked, following right behind him. He hummed in response before taking a glance at you while playing with his blindfold on his eyes, "You're currently a second-grade sorcerer, right?" he asked back. You blinked, tilting your head confusedly but nod anyway.


He stopped walking and faced you, "Originally, it was only me who knows that you could already use your domain but during the event, you openly revealed that you could use it. It seems that Noritoshi Kamo asked Utahime to recommend you," he paused before smiling, "You know what that means, right?" You stared at him for a moment before sighing, "Am I a first-grade now or something?"

He grinned, "Bingo! To be honest, I wanted to be the one to recommend you but the rules don't allow that." He sighed. "While I still think that you shouldn't have used your domain back then, your actions did buy the others enough time to contact Yuji and the others." He approached you and patted your head immediately.

"Just going to say this again but, good job." He grinned. You closed your eyes and lowered your head, trying your best to hide your embarassed reaction. "Thank... You, sensei." You muttered, only to receive a laugh from him. "Ah, so adorable. Good girl, good girl."

Subconsciously, you started pouting, "I feel like I'm being treated like a child... I'm an adult, you kno-"

"Alright! Remember, you just admitted that you're an adult, right? Then I'm allowed to date you, right?"

You raised your head immediately and looked at him bewildered, then took a step back, "You seriously say random things out of nowhere..." He grinned, "I love seeing your flustered expression after all."

You blinked and narrowed your eye suspiciously, "Then did you just, uh, confess just to see my reaction or something...?" Gojo pouted, "Do you think I would lie about my confession? I'm sad."

He approached you, cupping your cheeks with his large hands, and gently made you look at him, inciting a flustered expression from you. He took a deep breath and started.

"Listen here, [First Name]. I LOVE you very much and I can just barely hold myself back every time I see you." He leaned even more closer, "Whenever I see you, I want to kiss you, hug you, and do many things to you!"

"I always want to be with you, hear your voice, hold your hands, make fun of you, enjoy stuff together, visit more places with you, eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner together and I want to be the only one to see that embarassed expression of yours."

He tilted his head with a smirk. "So, do you still think I confessed only because I want to see your reaction?"

Your lips quivered, looking away immediately with a bewildered and embarassed expression, just like what you've mentioned earlier, he says random things out of nowhere. His plan to make you flustered successfully worked.

"T-That's too much, sensei..."

He pushed aside your bangs and kissed your temples tenderly and he leaned his lips near your ear, "What is too much? I still have so many things I want to do with you that I haven't even mentioned yet."

You could feel your leg weakening and wanting to give out already, it was only Gojo who was supporting you. He smirked once more, "Speechless?"

You took a deep breath trying to calm yourself but resulted in nothing anyways. "I w-wouldn't be able to talk back if I am..." You could hear him chuckle but for some reason, your attention was focused on your hand, which you aren't even looking at as Gojo intertwined his hand with it.

"I love you very much, [First Name]. I asked you earlier if I'm allowed to date you, what's your answer?" He used his other hand to create a small distance between the two of you which allowed him to get a closer and clearer look at your reddened face which still faced down.

"I'm still your student..."

"I remember that one time you said that you're no longer my student because I only teach first-year students and you're in third-year already."

"B-But still, wouldn't that be weird to the others?

"You always mention that you're already an adult to them. Not to mention, do you think they're not aware of how you feel about me?"

"W-Wait, how did they-"

"You always show it, ah, you're really bad at hiding your feelings."

"Now that's something embarassing..."

"I know right."

He lightly chuckles before comfortably tightening his hold on your hand, "So what's the answer for my request?"

You took a deep breath, raising your head, and faced him. "J-Just because I, uh, love you doesn't necessarily mean that... I want to date you." You could see the disappointment in his eyes. You frowned, raising your intertwined hand in between the two of you.

You also tightened your hold on his hand and took a step closer to him, "I'll go out with you because I want to! Even though I enjoy the way we are right now, t-this would make it even better, wouldn't it?"

Gojo looked at you, bewildered by the sudden outburst. He smiled.

"You're finally honest with your feelings, aren't ya?" He pulled you closer and gave you a light peck on the lips, "I love this side of you as well." He grinned happily.

"I'm just going to say this again but, I love you very much, [First Name]!"

"Ah geez... You've repeated that multiple times already..." You blushed. "You won't say it?" He pouted.

"... I love you too."

✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩

So. Should I make this the last chapter or something? I'm planning to make a Toge x Reader and I can't handle updating both of them at the same time. I'm busy with my school too, our semester or 2nd grading just started.

Published: March 16, 2021

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