5. Uh, this is disgusting.

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You fold your sleeves neatly, as you follow behind Satoru, "What happened to that boy?" He placed his hands in his pocket as he turns around and glanced at you. "Starting today, he's your kouhai now!" He grinned. Your eyes lightened up, "Another first year...?"

A laugh escapes his lips and you snapped out from your delusions, "You really like younger students." you sigh, "I already told you, the younger students in my old school think of me as a delinquent so they never talked to me." You looked at him.

"Sensei, in a way, I treasure you too for the same reason. Teacher's job is to guide their students, right? But they never even asked me why I was doing it and didn't stop me." you pause awkwardly, hesitant to continue.

He raised a brow, "What is it?" He asked.

You cupped your chin and thought deeply. "If I say this, there's a high chance that you might tease me so..." You sigh. "Don't worry, I won't tease you!"

"I have trust issues when it comes to you."

"Sensei is hurt to know that."

There was a long pause in between the two of you before a deep sigh escapes from your lips. "The first one I recognize as a teacher is you..." You averted your gaze embarrassedly.

Gojo perked up as a wide grin form on his lips. "It's been three years and this is the first time you've said that! Ah, I'm so happy!" He kept giggling to himself. For some reason, you're highly embarrassed by his reaction.

You covered your lower face with your hand, "Geez, stop laughing...! You're making me want to take that back..." Your face was flushed as a reaction to your embarrassment. You lowered your head slightly as you look at him curiously, "Do you... Really like it that much...?"

He smiled brightly as he walked towards you. He reached out his hand and pat your head and made you unconsciously close your eyes.

"Of course I'll be happy. Imagine your favorite and first student saying that, I'm so honored." You lowered your head with your eyes still closed. 'His voice is really... So pleasant...'

You shake your head softly, making him let go of you. You raised your head but you avoided his gaze, your face is still red shyly. "Sensei, you should seriously be careful with your words and actions with the others..." You walked away from him.

He turns to you and stared at your back as you walk impatiently through the empty hallway with his usual gentle smile. "I'm perfectly careful, I only act like that with you."

Another wave of embarrassment filled you, "I-I wasn't talking about that! Your words are quite dangerous to women!" You groan, completely confused by how you were acting. "Ah geez, please forget it!" Your statement received a laugh from your own teacher.


You sigh exhaustedly as you sat on the bench at the field behind the school. Dealing with the endless teases from that man was extremely tiring.

'And he said that he won't tease me for saying that... Yeah, completely lost my trust again. Good luck gaining it again next time.'

Gojo went to fetch Yuji and have him interviewed by Principal Yaga.

Speaking of the principal, you shivered. It's already been three years but you still remember the interview given to you by Yaga. Still the same one he gives the others but for you, it was quite tough. Imagine, you really had no reason why you wanted to be a sorcerer and you're still quite new with your technique but he attacked me all of a sudden with his cursed doll.

𝐒𝐎𝐅𝐓 𝐒𝐏𝐎𝐓━━━G. SatoruWhere stories live. Discover now