15. Salmon, salmon!

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You took out a lunch box filled with rice balls from your desk and handed it to Toge who stood in front of you.

"Sorry for troubling you the other day, Toge-kun. I really appreciated it though, thank you for helping me." You smiled.

He stared at you for a moment before tilting his head, "Mustard leaf?"

A small laugh escapes your lips before nodding, "Don't worry, I'm fine now. Just a mere fever won't bring me down." You grinned reassuringly. "If you want, you can share it with the others, I'll just make you new ones."

You could see his eyes lightening up while he nods, "Salmon, salmon!" You smiled, pleased by his reaction, though that didn't last long when the other two second-year entered the classroom as well. "Ah, there they are," Maki mentioned.

"[First Name]-senpai, Satoru's calling for you," Panda said, following right behind Maki. You flinched, smiling awkwardly. "O-Oh really?"

Maki blinked, tilting her head slightly, "Did something happen? You look happier than normal, and it's always him who looks for you." You averted your gaze, "Who k-knows... I'm acting quite normally."

"Hey Maki, there's something on her pocket." Panda pointed out. You immediately placed your hand over it and turned away, "T-That was just some candy wrappers I forgot to throw."

The three of them suddenly looked at each other and then back at you with a suspicious gaze.

"You rarely stutter."

"You and Satoru are suspicious today."


You looked at the three who kept their intense stare at you, "Seriously, nothing happened! Nothing suspicious-- Ah!" While you were panicking, being the closest to you, Toge took that as a chance to swipe the unknown object from your pocket. "Toge-kun!"

The three of them blinked before looking at each other again.

Your face flushed in embarrassment, "W-Wait, it's not what it seems like! I m-mean-"

Maki looked at you, catching effortlessly the black blindfold that Toge tossed to her. "You know, we could've just assumed he just forgot this in your room while barging in like always but your reaction made us rethink that." She said before a smirk formed on her lips as the three surrounded you once again.

"So, what happened between the two of you, [First Name]-senpai?" She teased.

"U-Uh..." You took a deep breath before placing a hand in front of your face, trying your best to cover your flustered face from them after recalling what happened again. "I told you, nothing happened! Satoru-sensei is looking for me right? Then I'll go now!" You somehow snatched back the blindfold from Maki and immediately rushed out of the classroom, leaving the three second-year behind in the third year's classroom.



You stomped through your way to wherever Gojo is, probably the teacher's office though. "Next time I meet those three, I would seriously get bombard with questions..." You took a deep breath and twisted the knob of the door.

You didn't even bother knocking, only Kusakabe and Gojo are most likely inside anyways. And you were right, there was Kusakabe working on some papers. He turned to look at you with hopeful eyes,

"Oh, it's [Last Name]. Hey, mind helping me out here? I want to go home early today." He pointed at the tons of files on his desk. You awkwardly laugh, "Nah, sorry. I can't help you with that, Kusakabe-sensei."

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