10. ... Tuna mayo.

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"So since Yuji-kun is here, I guess I can back out now?" you asked which made both the first years and second years look at you confusedly. "You're still needed for the exorcism, senpai. We'll probably be busy with dealing with the Kyoto guys so your task is still the same." Maki said, rejecting what you've just said instantly.

"Yuji-kun and I pretty much have the same ability,except that he's much stronger so you can just swap me out." you asked once again. "I don't mean to be rude but Itadori is really stronger than you but even so, you're still needed. Your ability is more useful than ours with curses after all." This time, it's Megumi who rejected you.

You sighed heavily, "Sensei insisted that I should join even though I didn't want to... But now that Yuji-kun is here, I thought that I would have a reason now to back out..." Instead of responses that would favor you, you only received pity from your precious kouhais.

"Look, this what happens when you get too close with that blindfold bastard. Don't follow your senpai's steps, alright?"


"Must be tough."

"[Last Name]-senpai, you shouldn't have just followed what Gojo-sensei said."

"I knew that guy would only do these kinds of things... I'm pretty surprised you're still fine after spending months with him, Itadori."

"Come on, sensei is not that bad. Well, sometimes he might be a little bit..."

'... Did I just gave Gojo-sensei a bad reputation? With his students of all people?' you closed your eyes awkwardly, 'Sorry, sensei.'


In the end, you gave up and just followed along with your kouhais plan.

You wiped your hand with your handkerchief before putting kicking the corpse of the curse you've just destroyed somewhere else. "That's the fifth one already... The others are busy fighting amongst themselves, leaving me by myself, aren't they pretty cruel?" You laughed awkwardly.

But since you only have to fight curses, not humans, it's favorable for you. Having to fight another sorcerer is just plainly troublesome. All you've learned in this school is all about exorcising curses and definitely not hurting humans.

Your stomach growled lightly making you sigh once more. You looked around, 'Sensei should be watching right now, right? But the other teacher might be watching and listening too... I should've just accepted the snacks earlier...' you sigh.

All of a sudden, you felt goosebumps all over your body after sensing a powerful presence of a curse. "W-Wait... Weren't they only using second-grade curses today...?" You nervously smiled, looking around, and searched for it.

You were given the task to destroy the low-level curses but from what you've sensed, that's definitely a special-grade curse. 'It would be troublesome if the others encounter it... They're probably still fighting the Kyoto guys.' you took a deep breath and a moment to calm yourself down.

As soon as you did, you started running. From the Tokyo side, you're the one who could sense a curse the best and with the others fighting, you doubt that they sensed the presence of it. According to the plan, Megumi is fighting Kamo, Kugisaki and Panda are dealing with Nishimiya and Mechamaru. Maki with both Miwa and Mai, and then Yuji's fighting head-on with Todou. Meanwhile, Toge is supposed to be on standby, waiting for a chance to use his technique against somebody.

You took out your phone and dialed his number immediately, 'He's the only one available right now...' You also looked around your surroundings, searching for the supposedly 'camera' which allows the teachers to watch over the battles. Once again, you took a deep breath, "There's a special grade curse here, please stop the event for now!" You exclaimed. In the end, you cough, "Dang it, I don't like yelling." You muttered.

'But I do hope that they've heard me... Gojo-sensei...'

Finally, Toge picked up the call and what immediately greeted your ears are noises in the background. From a distance as well, you could hear some rumbles nearby the building. "Toge-kun? Are you safe?" You asked worriedly. "Kelp-!" A loud thud was heard on the other line which made you even worried. You sighed, manipulating the flow of Cursed Energy to the section of your brain that controls ear function.

"Just speak, I'll be fine. Explain the situation and where you are." You know the boy's worries. He doesn't want to accidentally curse someone at all. There was a short pause on the other side before he spoke. "Special Grade curse, west side of the building, can't hold it back by myself."

You smiled, "I'll be right there, just wait."

You finally know your exact destination, you took off your shoes and used your technique, allowing you to be blasted off and gain an acceleration. Just right the moment the call ended, the building's west side was immediately covered by plants and a loud explosion occurred over there. "Toge-kun..." You jumped from one tree to the next and finally landed on the roof.

Your eyes followed Toge and the special grade curse he was facing. Below, there was Kami and Megumi who are in the middle of a fight. 'The roots like things are going to hit both of them...' You kicked a roof tile up and placed your cursed energy in there and kicked it towards the roots like things that were about to attack the two. At the same time, Toge used his own technique, "Run!"

With the force of the explosion you sent towards the roots and Toge's technique, both escaped safely.


You looked up at the now, darkened sky and surroundings. "A screen... To trap everyone inside?" You mutter, sighing in annoyance.

"Why is there a cursed spirit at the college though? And who made that screen?" Kamo asked, looking at the curse who's also keeping an eye on the four of you. "Probably a curse user on the same team of that spirit," Megumi answered.

Toge coughs and you glanced at him. "Does it hurt?" You asked. "Salmon." He nods in reply. You looked at him worriedly before placing your fingertips on his throat and then at Megumi. "Don't use your medicine yet, save it up." You used your own curse reversal technique on both of them and then finished it. You then looked at Kamo, "Come here. I'll also treat you."

He looked away, "I don't need help. Despite the interference of that cursed spirit, we're still enemies." He refused. You glared at him, "Hey, do you seriously think we have time for that? We're in danger, you know?" You stepped forward towards him and he backed away. "Seriously you..." You clicked your tongue in annoyance, "Suit yourself."

"... Tuna Mayo." Toge said. You shake your head, "I'm pretty sure I've told them already before coming here. Gojo-sensei might be heading here now." You said. "That's a wise decision, [Last Name]-senpai. We should keep our distance and retreat to where Gojo-sensei..."

Before we knew it, the cursed spirit appears right behind Kamo. You pushed the spirit away with a little bit of explosion in order to protect Kamo. At the same time, "Don't move." Toge commanded it and it momentarily stopped.

Kamo teared up a plastic bag of blood and formed a spinning saw and attacked the cursed spirit but to no avail at all, it was left unscathed. Megumi's summoning, Nue came from above and forced it down yet, it only kneeled from Nue's power. Megumi took out a katana from a shadow and tried to cut it but failed as well.

"Stop this, foolish children."

You frowned. 'I don't know what kind of language is this but... I understand it...?' It's good that you can understand what it is saying but it's creepy and gross at the same time, for some reason.

"All I want is to protect this planet. The forest, sky, and sea can't take it anymore. They're crying. Coexisting with humans is no longer possible. They understand that there are humans that are kind to the planet. However, for how long will that compassion last? All they wish for is time. This planet might still shine blue as long as it has time."

"Time without humans. Die and become wise."

✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩

Y'all! Soft Spot reached 10k! This is not much but I'ma just triple update this week! :D

Published: February 12, 2021

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