12. I'll always be by your side so you won't die of loneliness, alright?

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After finally regaining consciousness, you opened your eyes. What first met your gaze was the familiar ceiling of your room. 'I must have... passed out that time.'

"Seems like the sleeping beauty's awake."

Your hands pushed you up and made you sat properly to look at the man who, once again, barged inside your room without any permission. You blinked before a smile was put on your face immediately.

"How can you say that when you're much beautiful than me, sensei? I look like a goat compared to you."

Just like how you requested from him before, whenever it's just the two of you alone, he would take off his blindfold. And seriously, seeing his face right after waking up is a blessing.

Gojo laughs, pushing the curtains to the side to let the sunshine greet you even more. "I would really prefer if you say 'handsome' though. Besides, you're prettier than any other girls." He commented. He walked away from the windows, then grabbing your chair from your table and placing it beside your bed before casually sitting in it.

"Well then, good morning, [First Name]. How's your two days' sleep?" He smiled, leaning his face on his palm as he stares at you with a smile. With a flushed expression, "Don't look at me like that, please." You looked away which only made the adult laugh.

'I think I'm gonna die from heart failure if you continue that, seriously...'

You sigh and then looked at him again, "So it's been two days already...? What happened after that?" You asked.

For some reason, Gojo's teasing smile earlier turned kind of scary right after you mentioned that.

"Before we start with that... I'm proud of you and you're my favorite student but I don't remember teaching you to be so reckless." you flinched, lowering your head as you were unable to keep eye contact with him. "I'm pretty sure I said to use your Domain only when it's necessary."

"But I had to create even a little bit of distance between the special grade cursed spirit and Megumi-kun and the others so that they could at least recover at least a little bit since Kamo-san and Megumi-kun were just fighting before the cursed spirit attacked." you anxiously talked back.

Gojo tilts his head, "Haven't you watched over both the first year and second year's training? Then you should've at least trusted them since they also trust you. It's not good to spoil them too much, you know." he told you. You bit your lip, you're pretty much aware of your mistakes already but being pointed out made you even feel guiltier. 'I should've... trusted them.'

Gojo looks at you before raising his hand and then started patting you out of nowhere. "But still, since you fixed Inumaki's throat before-hand, he wasn't really that injured. If he used his technique without being fixed first, he probably wouldn't be able to use it again in the future. The same with the Kyoto folks, you informed them about what was happening so they got out unharmed."

A proud grin formed on his lips, "Even though you made mistakes, of course, you did well too."

Your eyes widen as you immediately raised your head and faced him, "So everyone's safe...?" you asked. He chuckled, "I just complimented you but that's what you're going to ask? Of course, they are fine. Great teacher Gojo arrived and defeated all the bad guys!" he smiled. pulling his hand back as he formed a peace sign. "Oh right, we changed the event and it ended up as a baseball match! They played yesterday so you were completely left out!" he smiled innocently.

The mood suddenly was ruined after mentioning that. "I don't really care but who won?" you questioned half-heartedly. "Of course, we won!" he beamed happily.

𝐒𝐎𝐅𝐓 𝐒𝐏𝐎𝐓━━━G. SatoruWhere stories live. Discover now