17. Ah. Papa, [First Name] and that man is getting lovey-dovey.

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You burst inside the faculty room and your eyes lightened up almost immediately, seeing two familiar men inside.

"Ijichi-san, Nanamin!"

You could hear the blond older man repeating what you've just called him under his breath as you approach them. You chuckled, "I heard that Yuji-kun calls you that. Nanamin is actually a cute nickname, isn't it?" Nanami sighed distressedly, "Don't call me that."

"[Last Name]-san..." you turned to look at Ijichi, "Oh, good afternoon." you stared at him as he grabbed the cloth-wrapped weapon on the table, "I brought the tool you requested," he said, handing it to you.

You stared at it for a moment before smiling, "Just bill it to my ac-"

Ijichi sighs, "About that, Gojo-san already paid it off." You blinked.


"Well... He said, uh..." Ijichi completely showed discomfort and hesitation in saying it, however, you just sighed. "It's alright, it's alright. I'll ask him myself later. Thank you for delivering it here but, why did you come too, Nanamin?"

"Stop calling me that. I came here to report some stuff to the principal, however," he looked at you, fixing his glasses to their proper place, "Seeing that you purchased a cursed tool when you're about to graduate soon, did you changed your mind about leaving jujutsu behind?"

You stared back at him, holding the tool with both of your hands, and looked at it. "I'm not sure. Things happened and I'm quite hesitant now. Who knows, I might change my mind if something happens. Even if I choose to remain as a jujutsu sorcerer, I'll be fine. I have my kouhais and my teachers."

Nanami briefly looked at you before standing up from the couch. "Choose the path with no regret. A life where you'll be satisfied with what you have. I want to know which path you'll choose one day."

Ijichi looked at you and Nanami who exited through the door, "W-Well then [Last Name]-san, we'll be going now. And just like Nanami-san said, please choose the kind of life where you won't regret anything." He bowed his head slightly before following right behind Nanami who had already left.

A sigh escapes from your parted lips, plopping down on the couch. 'No regrets...'


You opened the door of your room, only to immediately get to face-to-face with an extremely familiar face. You sigh, "You're here again, sensei..."

A pout made its way to his lips, "I told you to start calling me by my name, didn't I?" You looked at him before lowering your head bashfully.

"Gojo or Satoru?"

His eyes lit up immediately, "Satoru, of course!" You just couldn't help but chuckle at his enthusiasm as you enter your room. "So why are you here again, Satoru?"

He grinned, casually sitting on your bed while you placed the new tool on your table. "I remembered that I was promised a date last time." You flinched, glancing at him. "When did I...?"

"Last time you got sick!"

"I'm pretty sure it was you who decided by yourself though..."

You sighed, looking at his grin full of expectation. "Geez fine..." Your answer earned a hearty laugh from him.


"Heh, you really did wore the clothes I gave you last time. On our first official date of all day!"

You covered your reddened face, "Please stop, oh god... You made me wear this earlier." He laughs once again, "I knew it, it suits you!" He started patting your head.

Both of you were just casually walking around the shopping center, sometimes going to some shops. You glanced at Gojo, who was childishly playing with the games in the arcade, "Seriously, is he really an adult?" You sigh.

You approached him and tapped his shoulder. "Satoru, you really stand out with your blindfold." He looked at you with a grin, "My very existence always stands out. I'm too prett-"

"Yeah, yeah. You're pretty, now use your glasses instead." You took out a glasses case from your bag, opening it while you help out your hand, gesturing him to give his blindfold. "Aw, you didn't have to cut me off like that." He pouted. "I'm always aware that you're so pretty, handsome, and beautiful, no need to remind me again."

He took off his blindfold, placing it in your hand, and then immediately wore the dark sunglasses. He had already let his hair down. You chuckled, "You still stands-out." He grinned, "Of course I do."

"Ah. Papa, [First Name] and that man is getting lovey-dovey."

"[First Name]?"

Your eyes widen, flinching at the two familiar voice which suddenly interrupted the moment between the two of you. You snapped your head to see Haruto and, you sighed. "Fathe-"

"Haruto's already calling me 'papa' so call me 'daddy', I told you that many times already." The middle-aged adult said, sighing.

Gojo turned to look at you and then to the other adult. He leaned to your ears, "Father?" You sighed as well and nodded. "I forgot that today's when you usually spend time with Haruto, dang it..." You glanced at Gojo worriedly, "I didn't tell anybody yet about our, uh..." You fidgeted, "... Relationship."

"Hey papa, did you hear that? That man and [First Name] is on a relationship." Haruto pointed at the two of you.

You took a glance at your step-younger brother and teasing yet mocking expression on his face. He's not even trying to hide it.

"Fathe-, I mean, uh, daddy-" before you could even continue, you also received a stifled laugh from Gojo besides you. You tried to elbow his side to make him stop but his infinity didn't allow you to do so. You clicked your tongue in embarrassment and then took a deep breath.

"It's awkward to say this but... Satoru and I-"

"Oh right. Papa, I just remembered. That man is [First Name]'s teacher."

You could see the older man's eyes widening as he immediately took out his phone from his pocket, dialing someone's number.

"[Mother's Name], you're daughter's dating her teacher!"

Your eyes widen, "Wait, mother?! Wai-"

Gojo burst laughing as well did Haruto. 'Hey! Aren't we in the middle of the mall right now?!'

"Oh my god... Satoru, let's leave!" You grabbed his hand, he willingly deactivated his infinity and allowed you to drag him off somewhere. Turning around, he waved goodbye at Haruto and gave a thumbs up.

"You guys are going to kill me with embarrassment someday... Everyone keeps interrupting me whenever I want to say something..." You sighed distressingly, "I won't be coming out of my room for a while, damn it."


Tiredly, you looked at Gojo who already turned around, ready to leave after dropping you off in front of your dorm room. "Satoru, why did you pay for the cursed tool?"

He turned to look at you with a grin. "Nevermind my name. Being called 'daddy' by you sounds interesting."

Your face flushed in embarrassment, "That's not what I was asking for!" He laughs as he continued to make his way to his room, "Then, sugar daddy?"

✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩

So. I decided to continue this 👉👈 Should I call an ambulance or something though? Some of you are saying that you can't breathe at chapter 13 D:

Anyways, almost 12% of the readers here are from the Philippines. Hello there, fellow Filipinos 😳

Published: March 19, 2021

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