9. How cute.

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"Four months... Passed by real quick." You sigh.

For the past four months, you continuously helped the first-years and second-year students with their training for the upcoming Exchange Festival with Kyoto while helping out with Yuji's training as well. Of course, you haven't told them about Yuji's status, that he's alive and perfectly well. "And that's... Seriously exhausting as hell..." You groan.

"Is something bothering you today, [First Name]?" You raised your head and looked at Maki who is standing in front of you. "Well..." It's not like you can tell them about it anyway, you don't want to spoil the ridiculous surprise both Yuji and Gojo is planning. You simply shake your head, "Nah, nothing."

Maki blinked confusedly but let it go anyways. "Alright. But still, for you to enter this event too, it's pretty rare. I heard you skipped this last year so why join now?" She asked, changing the topic already. "I'm graduating already, I also want to spend time with my precious underclassmen. Besides, I want to at least meet those Kyoto guys. I heard they caused trouble for you last time." You grinned.

To be honest, you just joined it at first since they were lacking in numbers. But since you found out that Yuji's alive, you wanted to back out but couldn't. Gojo insisted it.

Maki turned around, "Hey, they're here."

You stopped leaning on the wooden fence and stared at the group from Kyoto as well.

"Oh, a reception? Gross." Mai chuckles.

"Okkotsu isn't even here," Todo muttered.

Their group is quite unique if you say so. A robot, a big man, a sassy girl, a small witch, a guy who actually looks like a traditional exorcist, and a normal, kind-looking girl.

"Shut up. Give me kashiori, yatsuhashi kuzukiri, and sobabouro." Kugisaki nastily glared at them.

"Shake sushi." Toge added.

You sigh, "We're not getting anywhere with this, aren't we? Calm down, Kugisaki-chan, Toge-kun."


"Nevermind Okkotsu being absent, isn't having two first years too much of a handicap?" Your eyes lightened up in excitement as the robot spoke like a human. You took out your phone and showed him a human verification survey, "Hey, are you a robot or a human?" You grinned excitedly as he looks at you in complete confusion.

"I heard that there's someone from that secretive [Last Name] clan in Tokyo but..." You curiously glanced back at the traditional exorcist guy. "Well, I am [Last Name] though? Have something to say to me?" You asked but you received no answer at all.

"Okay, that's enough. Don't fight amongst yourself." An adult woman climbs up the stair and immediately glances around. "So where's that moron?" She asked. Following her last actions, you also looked around, "Right, I mean, he's always late..." You sighed, rolling your eyes in disbelief.

"Satoru's late," Panda said.

"No way that moron would come in time," Maki added.

"No one even said that moron referred to Gojo-sensei." Megumi commented.

"Sorry for the wait!"

Gojo's cheerful voice immediately grabbed everyone's attention. He was pushing a trolley with a metal box on top of it. You sweatdrop, "Don't tell me..." You mutter, suspecting the content of that box. On the corner of your eye, Gojo grinned mischievously at you which completely confirmed your suspicions. 'Do they seriously think that their plan will work?' you sigh, shaking your head in disbelief.

"Hey, hey, seems everyone's around. I was on a business trip overseas, you see." He continued, ignoring the fact that he's late.

"He just started talking," Panda commented.

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