11. I can handle this, trust your senpai.

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"I'll... Use Domain Expansion."

You stopped running and faced the cursed spirit by yourself. "[Last Name]-senpai, that's too risky!" Megumi exclaims, definitely against your decision. The curse is already catching up, and with their condition, they can't possibly do anything for now. "Don't worry, I'll immediately escape. Take the time I'll give you, group up with the others and devise a plan." You commanded, stomping on the floor and made it explode, stopping the cursed spirit from moving past you.

As you glanced back at Megumi, he had worry and hesitation in his eyes. "I told you..." you kicked the stones that we're still in mid-air from your previous move towards the curse and made it explode. "... There's no need to worry. I can handle this, trust your senpai." You grinned before doing your own hand sign.

"Domain Expansion: Supernova."

In just a second, both you and the cursed spirit are already inside your own innate domain. The surroundings are empty, just the color of black and white painting the supposedly walls.

You smirked, "Everything you touch here... Will explode, whether it is the floor you're stepping on..."

Just after you uttered that, an explosion occurred beneath its feet, but unfortunately, it didn't do much. "You're only a child but for you to use this technique already..." There it is again, that creepy language you don't know but can understand.

"I've been studying under the strongest sorcerer, you see. It would be quite awkward if I don't at least learn this." You paused, pointing at nothing but the air. "Just going to remind you that the air you're breathing right now, will also explode."

It gritted its teeth, punching itself where his respiratory organ should be as he exhaled all air he had just taken in. 'Wait, does curses breath anyways?'

Wasting no time immediately, the huge roots once again emerged from the floor and targeted you, as well did the cursed spirit who rushed towards you. He swung his hand to attack but before he could even hit you, you pointed your palm on it and blasted it off, reciprocating his attack.

Blood dripped in between your fingers, as you sigh. 'This might be a nice domain with an advantage for you but the problem is time. It's not like you have any problem with how long you can keep your domain, you can even keep it for five hours without getting tired. The problem is that the explosion that happens automatically inside the domain is nothing but a pure bluff. It only affects fourth to third-grade curses. Your own attack multiplies its firepower and damage than usual but it's a double-edged sword for you. The longer you stay inside and attack the curse, the more you will get damage.

Hanami once again tried to attack you with those roots and you made it explode and dodge his own physical attack. A cut appears on your arm immediately after using your technique. Whenever you attack, it always hit but it also gives you a little bit of damage. 'I'll have bandages around my body again later...' you groan in annoyance.

'That's my limit but at least I got to activate my own Domain. All I need to do is impro-'

You frowned, crouching down and kicking Hanami's leg together with an explosion. You immediately turned off your Domain and Hanami was slammed to the wall inside the building immediately. 'I don't need to improve. This is my last year as a sorcerer.'

The cursed spirit immediately recovers. You stared at it as he tries to attacks you but you jumped out of the window before he could even touch you.

You used the small debris that was falling from the roof to climb up. There were Toge, Kamo, and Megumi who immediately turned to look at you. "[Last Name]-senpai!" Megumi called. You ran up to them, "Have you contacted the others?" You asked. Megumi shook his head, "My phone was broken earlier, Inumake-senpai lost his and Noritoshi-san doesn't have any of our contacts."

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