4. And call me sensei again, please! That sounded nice earlier!

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You tapped your fingers on the table, staring blankly at the unconscious Haruto right in front of you.

From what you've heard, it seems that he won't be waking up anytime soon. He survived even after a hole has been made right in his stomach, though it's been healed already. That's already a great accomplishment so being comatose should only be a small price to pay.

You clenched your hands, "If I only hadn't injured my feet back then... I could've run away with you..." You stood up from the chair.

Slowly, you reached out your hand towards him, touching his forehead, "Don't... Go away..." You mutter, biting your lip before frustratedly leaving the room in silence.

The doctors had already said that you'll be able to go home now, though you shouldn't do any stressful movements for a while.

After going outside the hospital, there was Gojo Satoru, waiting outside. He turned to look at you, "Hey." He smiled, waving his hand at you. You paused and stared at him blankly before looking away, "Good morning."

His smile widened, "Did you just greet me? Eh, you can also greet others? That's pretty surprising!"

You shook your head, "Oh please, I normally don't talk to other people so be grateful that I even greeted you." He laughs, "Don't worry, I'm grateful."

You started walking while he just followed behind you as both of you exits the hospital's area. "So, you said that we're going to ask permission from your parents first, right? And I'm the one who's going to tell them?" He questioned.

A short hum was your response followed by a nod. "I... Really don't know how to explain these kinds of things to them..." You lowered your head.

Gojo inserted his hands inside his pockets, raising his head. 'The hospital did contact them but not even once, did they visit her or that boy.' He shakes his head and snapped himself out of his thought after feeling a vibration from his phone.

Taking a look at it, he grins. "I called someone to drive us."


You sat uncomfortably beside Gojo inside the car. The driver seems like someone he knows. "Gojo-san... I'm quite busy too... Nanami-san will surely scold me for this." He sighs.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I'll talk about this with him later do, for now, let's go to Tagara Shr-"

You cut him off, "I actually live in [random location] though..." Gojo whines beside you, "No need to cut me off like that. And that was not your house?"

"That was Haruto's actually... He's the one taking care of the shrine and I'm only helping him." You glanced outside the window. "Is your family in charged of the shrine?" He looks at you curiously.

A frown forms on your lips before sulking into the corner. Gojo took a hint and chuckled awkwardly, "Alright, I will stop."


You blankly stood in front of the door while hesitating about going in or not. You brought your hands to the knob and twisted it open. It is not locked, therefore your parents must be home.

You glanced back to him, "Hey, you're really going to do this...?" You asked, narrowing your eyes.

"I won't change my mind about transferring you to our school." He grins, patting your head while his other hand pushes open the door while you still held the doorknob.

𝐒𝐎𝐅𝐓 𝐒𝐏𝐎𝐓━━━G. SatoruWhere stories live. Discover now