realizations pt. 2

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Atsushi was already running late for work, umbrella in hand, when he came across the tea shop. The nineteen year old wasn't one for window shopping (he couldn't afford it) yet there was something about this establishment that made him stop in his tracks. He peeked through the window to see just what had captured his attention. Atsushi felt something like a childish wonder the moment his eyes glanced inside the shop.

The place seemed to be lit up by only glass stained lamps, fairy lights and lanterns. Lined against the walls were stacks of books, many more than Atsushi had ever seen in his entire life. The shop looked like it was pulled straight out of a children's bedtime story, a store only frequented by witches or talking cats.

Atsushi knew it was a bad idea to walk in, especially with how much time he had already wasted standing on this street but he was sure that whoever was waiting for him wouldn't mind.

He opened the door to the shop, a bell ringing above his head that announced he had made it inside. Atsushi silently closed his umbrella, and tucked it under his arm. The lady at the cash register seems to notice the sound, because she let her gaze travel up from her book and land onto him. She wears thick round glasses, nicely perched on the bridge of her hose. Her hair is tied up into a high ponytail, and the clothes she's wearing hold so much more color than he's used to. The last thing he notices about the woman is the soft smile on her face, a sign of welcome which he returns.

Atsushi walks deeper into the store, and soon finds himself in a state of complete amazement. The ceiling of the store, if you could even call it that, was completely made up of glass. He could see how rain drops clashed against the surface in big clear clumps. Around him there are shelves and shelves of boxes with tea inside, he's almost taken aback by the sheer amount of product. I didn't even know they made this much, he thinks to himself.

He only walks a few more meters before finding out that's how far the store goes, the end being a table with a few items to brew the very product he would be buying. Atsushi sighs, he might as well waste some money before leaving. He has never been one for tea, preferring coffee since it was cheap and often helped him stay awake for work. However, there were few times when he actually rummaged through his cupboards in search of a tea bag, usually just some simple green tea.

A small chuckle escaped his lips as he remembered who exactly had pushed him into buying tea in the first place. Akutagawa . The black haired man had stayed at his small apartment for a night after a long day of work, and after finding out Atsushi had no tea he insisted they go out to buy some. In his words he was an "uncultured fool" and completely "out of his mind". That's how the two of them found themselves in a random grocery store at almost midnight trying to buy tea. He certainly found Akutagawa annoying that night, but looking back on it, he had fun.

"Can I help you?" A voice asked, snapping Atsushi back into reality. The woman from the cash register is now standing right in front of him. He lets out a noise of embarrassment before shaking his head. The woman laughed. "It's just you've been standing there for a while."

"I-i'm sorry, I was just thinking about something." he responds.

She giggles, "Well it must have been a good thing, you looked rather happy."

Atsushi is thrown off guard by her words. He slowly nods his head, "I suppose your right."

"If there's anything you need, then just tell me and i'll get it for you."

She walks away after that, and Atsushi just watches her go. Seeing her figure disappear between the shelves of tea, a thought crashes into his mind. When had the notion of Akutagawa stopped being terrifying?

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