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Heavy rain tattered against the roof above Chuuya's head. It's a melody enjoys as he scribbles away on inconsequential documents. There's a calm that always follows a storm. He's always liked the way the world smelled of wet dirt, reminding him of the pretty things that life offered. The side of himself that thirsts for chaos and blood can finally fall quiet during those moments. It's only then does he feel like an actual person. However, tonight there's a worry in his mind that can not be hushed by the rain.

Chuuya's waiting for the arrival of an ally. Of a friend and lover. He didn't necessarily request his presence but it wasn't like he had to. The other could easily pick up on his movements and quirks that would spell out a big S.O.S. At least Chuuya hoped their relationship still functioned that way.

Outside his door he heard the faintest creak of wood. He perks up, hands letting go of the pen he was holding. He sees it roll down the side of his desk.

He's here, Chuuya thinks as a feeling of relief begins to settle within him. Ever so slowly the door to his dimly lit office opens. Bony fingers grab the wooden frame before the man he's been waiting for all night is standing in front of him.

The younger smiles, "Sorry for being late."

In all his glory stands Dazai Osamu. Not a hair out of place, he's perfect, between the tiny dust particles that dance around him under the light. Chuuya can't stop the smile that grows on his face.

"About time Dazai."

Dazai saunters over to Chuuya's side, humorously draping his bandaged arms around the redhead. He tries to shrug off the gesture, though Dazai doesn't let him. It's tender, affectionate. He lets it simmer before the gesture turns un-innocent. Gently, the younger man grabs the side of Chuuya's face, and brings his lips close to his. He can feel Dazai's breath against his skin.

He kisses him, slow and intimate. The way they do everything. Dazai's hands travel across Chuuya's back, cold fingers moving downwards. God, he thinks. How he's missed this. They hadn't been able to meet up like this because Chuuya's been trying to set up Mori's insane plan while at the same time figuring out a way to stop it.

Dazai's touch pulled him out of his head. His hands were now under his white button up, pressed against his rib cage. Chuuya wondered if the other man could hear how fast his heart was beating. Probably, the bastard never misses anything. Under the dim lights of his office the touching and kissing continues. Breathy curses and moans are exchanged between the two until at one point the room seems to explode into a symphony of pleasure. Then it falls quiet. All that can be heard is the rain trickling down the side of the building.

And as if on cue Dazai is the first to speak, "So, I know that wasn't the only reason you called me here tonight."

Chuuya sighs, buttoning up his shirt. "Obviously," he ruffles his hair, "I need your help with the Akutagawa situation."

"Obviously," Dazai mocks, "What have you got so far? Weapons? Allies?"

"Try the other, more tolerable Akutagawa."

Dazai quirks an eyebrow, "Gin?"

He nods, pulling out a folder from his desk. "Force to be reckoned with, devoted to the Mafia but..." he smiles, "Way more devoted to her brother."

Chuuya hands the folder over to Dazai, who skims over it lightly. He looks up with a bored expression on his face. "That's your plan? Lacks flare."

He yanks the folder from the younger's hand, "Unlike you I don't like making a spectacle out of everything I do. Plus, this is the one I wrote up for Mori. It's bashful and dangerous," he falls quiet, "Akutagawa would probably die."

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