endings pt. 2

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In the darkness it was not so bad. There was something incredibly warm about being surrounded by the void. No expectations, not a single thought to worry about. It was safe here. Akutagawa felt protected from the big bad men that seeked to harm. Ones with sharp teeth and even sharper words. Strangely enough this darkness didn't scare him the same way it did during everyday life. Even so, the emptiness wasn't his own. Akutagawa had a terrible feeling that there was something missing. The story hadn't finished, the credits weren't supposed to roll quite just yet. Unfinished busines s, he would call it, certainly unfinished . However he had no idea how he'd arrived here or how to leave.

Akutagawa slowly stretched his body, enjoying the way his muscles and joints expanded. He was comfortable in darkness as it was the very foundation of what he was. Rashomon bended around his fingers, only for him. All he ever had to do was call out to it and wake up

His eyes snapped open at the mere thought of the action. He was happy he could see now, but remained confused. There was no more darkness, no, instead Akutagawa was in a dewey field. Cold autumn air made part of his hair flow upwards. His surroundings were so incredibly vibrant, the most beautiful shades of green and blue. Almost as if he'd stepped into a watercolor painting. He was a little afraid to even take a step forward.

When Akutagawa mustered up the courage to do so it seemed like he was floating for a moment. The act filled him with a childish joy. He continued to skip through the meadow for what felt like hours. Though he imagined that time had no such importance in a place like this. So, onward he went. The darkness had been familiar, comfortable to him, while the field was exploration, adventure that every person seeked at one point in life.

Any semblance of serenity Akutagawa might have had was shattered as he spotted a figure ahead. Their back was facing him. He could easily turn around to avoid confronting whoever this was, but...but was that an option? Could he simply stray from the path he'd created? He balled his hands into fists.

He wouldn't like to find out.

Carefully, he began to walk towards the person. As he grew closer he felt anxiety swell in his stomach, yet he persisted. Not stopping until he was right beside this mystery person. They didn't turn to face him after Akutagawa had approached them. They kept on looking forward, gaze fixated on whatever. He waited and when they finally turned all fears were replaced with surprise.

Atsushi ?

But this wasn't him, not his version of Atsushi. This Atsushi was too perfect, to put together to be real. And though that might've been true his smile filled him with the same emotions it always had.

"Hello," he greeted him, voice echoing.

"Hi..." he trailed off, "What is this place?"

The other hummed, "A dream possibly," hand reaching out for him, Atsushi continued, "Or a story. It could be anything you want it to be."

Akutagawa intertwined their fingers, thrilling at the touch he offered after so long of being apart.

"Do you know why I might find myself here?"

He didn't respond, opting to press against his body. Akutagawa let go of his hand in order to hold his face. He could feel Atsushi's breath against his skin before he leaned forward and connected their lips. The kiss was short and sweet, but appreciated nonetheless.

"You did well. Fought a long, hard battle. Slayed the dragon and saved the princess or whatever folktale you'd like to implement. You're here because it's the end."

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