endings pt. 1

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Having lived a life such as hers, Gin could easily tell when a person had been broken down by the world. She'd found those pained souls in alleyways, starving during harsh winters in the slums or in brothels reeking of unwanted attention. She'd always pitied them, and promising herself that she would never reach that state. At least that's what Ryuunosuke had swore to her. Gripping her tiny hand he said they would never be sucked dry by the cruelties they might face. That's why he'd followed Dazai to the mafia, for them, for survival.

However, as she watched her brother now she couldn't help and wonder if they'd given up a long time ago. Sure, they had a roof over their head, food in their bellies, but that didn't mean they weren't hollow versions of what they used to be. She could hardly recognize herself, or Ryuunosuke for that matter. 

The older was hunched over their kitchen counter, scribbling on a piece of paper. He looked frenzied to her, as if this were to be the last thing he'd ever do. Gin could hardly blame him for feeling that way. Today was when he was forced to eradicate Dostoevsky. It had been a plan that developed over the past few weeks. The days had gone by and she had watched her brother become darker than ever before.

Guilt simmers on her tongue. She still needed him here even if it was obvious he'd outgrown this type of life. Gin saw the way her brother longed for the weretiger, how his emotions were consuming him as fire does wood. And if she hadn't been so selfish he might've been happier. She should've let go of him earlier.

As far as he was concerned there was no escaping this fate of his. He had given up everything in order to make the organization proud, even his precious weretiger. Neck bare, absent of the last thing that signified their relationship. Little did he know that Gin along with Chuuya and members of the agency had been working on his behalf. Ensuring that he did not die today.

Chuuya slid a grey covered book across the counter. Gin picked it up carefully, tracing her fingers over the spine. There was no title on the thing she was holding, not even an author's signature. When she opened it up she noticed that the words inside were not printed, but rather written in pen. She read over the cursive letters, feeling as her chest swelled with warmth. It had been the most beautiful thing she had ever read. Looking back up to Chuuya she found there was a smug expression on his face.

"What is this?" she asked.

He crossed his arms, "The thing that will save your brother."

If she didn't know better Gin would've laughed. After all, a book being what saved her brother seemed absurd. However, she would take Chuuya's word for it because the man was her only hope.

"Check the signature."

Her fingers flipped through the multitude of pages until she reached the very end of the book. There in big black bold letters was a name. Gin's eyes widened and then suddenly everything clicked in her head.

Edgar Allan Poe

And there it was, the grand plan. In her back pocket she now carried that same grey book. The only thing she had to do was give it to her brother, and make sure he kept it on his body for the entire mission.

Gin continued to watch over her brother's figure. He was still writing on that piece of paper. The sound of pencil against the kitchen counter filled the room with a strange squeaking noise. She didn't dare complain about it. No, she would wait patiently until her beaten down brother stopped of his own accord. Gin believed Ryonoske deserved that much today.

Eventually, he stopped writing,  plunging the apartment into complete silence. Ryunosuke folded his paper and placed it into a small brown envelope. A letter.

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